
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 10:56:47
DON IT access for 意思?怎么用 John's dog died lastweek.That made him very ____.A.sad B.pleased C.easy D.interesting Crusoe’s dog became ill and died,() made him very lonely.A、as B、which C、that D、this His pet dog died,and that made him _______ A look sad B look sadly C looks sadly D looks sad 有什么好的高中英语材料!最好有完整的英语体系,课外的也行. By __ an email.A.sent B.sending by sending an email 的意思是什么?by one'self 在哪可以在线阅读《我和金庸的战争》这本书? 为什么是How can i get home而不是How i can get home不是应该到装吗?就像是What his job is而不是What is his job.为什么为什么啊 如何回答被采纳后别人追问的问题?回答别人的问题,回答被采纳或是管理员推荐后.别人追问的问题好像就没法回答了. Greenland is in the northwest --- the North America.A.of B.toC.at D.in为什么是A?不是固定搭配in the east to...;on the east to...还有to the north to..难道“东南,西北”一类是of?风唱梵音 It is on the northwest of Shanghai这句话正确吧?northwest ,是名词吧,这里.on 是表示,接壤,还是不接壤? 速给我一篇作文:我读懂了-------- 新概念四的2句话this rabit had no natural enemies in the antipodes so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbit 这句话的意思是 兔子没天敌 以至于他们所特有的杂乱交配 迅速繁殖起来 1wi 白马寺 龙门石窟 嵩山少林寺门票多少 之间有公共交通吗 去少林寺,龙门石窟,白马寺最佳路线是什么?过几天我朋友要和我一起自驾游,就想去少林寺,龙门石窟,白马寺.我们应该先去哪里?路线谁知道最合适的?做什么车?我们不想和旅行社一起!希望知 中国第一古刹指的是少林寺,还是白马寺?为什么? 他很少在午夜以前就寝 用英语怎么说? 求一篇写charity show的中学英语作文紧急 a meaningful charity show 作文 70~80字 Don't take anything for granted.You are just a pe Take me by the hands,take me somewhere you know,I don't know who you are,but I'm with you是什么歌 谁能帮我找一篇英文的关于charity的文章?可以是有关ORBIS、OXFAM、UNICEF的,内容要全面,初中的英语水平,要有些生词,主要就是内容要稍微多点. In my mind,you are nothing,don't take yourself too important! 摩羯座"拼音" 摩羯'"怎么读 How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?分析句型. 我不会打扫卧室,但我想试一试.I _____ ______the _____ ,but I'd_______ _______ ________ ________ “试一试”的英文是什么 试一试英文怎么说 六经不能教,当以小说教之;正史不能入,当以小说入之;语录不能渝,当以小说渝之.——梁启超 白话文翻译