
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 04:35:58
英语帝来 看看我这句话有没有错The fuc.king fellings makes me fuc.king sad.请问有错吗 错的话要怎么改 求英语帝看看我这篇文章有没有语法问题这个是我参加亚洲学生英语演讲大赛海选赛用的,就是汉语里那个“逗你玩”的笑话:自己翻译成了汉语就是马三立老师的那个段子啊, 我想问下怎么答这道题:就如何实施“开放梅州”发展战略,向梅州市政府提出建设姓建议 问下问题,完成下面,我初一hellow.what"s your name? my name 1._____jane. what"s your 2._____number? it is 6371022 and what class are you in? i"m in class 2.i am a new 3.___ what____six and seven? a(is) b(are) c(do) what are those? _____chai 用高一政治回答-为实现再就业向政府提几条建议? 1.some writer could write a novel about what the old man has gone (through)all these year.请问这里能不能用during,为什么?2.we were (frightened)to hear that she had been murdered.请问这里能用horrified.为什么?3.请问complain of 与 为政府解决民生欠账提几条建议 求问一道初一几何题目! 初一题——对下列句子的重点部分提问.1.There are three girls in the classroom.对three提问.2.His coat is white.对white提问.3.He's fine today.对fine提问.4.Jim's mother is a teacher.对teacher提问.5.Xiao hong's father is a mana 如何有效复习历史无补充 谁帮我看下这段文字有没有语法问题?Daddy long legs is Joan Webster published works in 1912.It is the story of the letters on the form.Living in an orphanage Jerusha Abbott has the hero in literary talent,an unknown personage under the h 帮我看下这句话有没有语法问题,love is enough for us growing.一句歌词,感觉好像有问题, 帮我改下文章,看看有没有语法问题或加上什么 Winter was gone,spring comes.My favorite season is spring.Spring is the frist season in a year .There are three months in spring :March,April and May.I love spring best,because it's very b 旧唐书里写的这段话是什么意思啊彼高丽者,边夷贱类,不足待以仁义,不可责以常礼.古来以鱼鳖畜之,宜从阔略.若必欲绝其种类,恐兽穷则搏.且陛下每决一死囚,必令三覆五奏,进素食、停音乐者 旧唐书·张易之与弟昌宗纵恣益横,倾朝附之.昌宗私引相工[44]李弘泰观占吉凶[45],言涉不顺,为飞书所告.璟廷奏请穷究其状,则天曰:“易之等已自奏闻,不可加罪.”璟曰:“易之等事露自陈,情 旧唐书简介 韦温不放姚勗入省,有故事否.的翻译! 英语翻译如题 ( )夫组词 夫的组词 夫字组词 请大师们帮我看看语法的错误!We have to apply for the certificate review with the Government, but this process takes about two months, because the Chinese government is quite strict food safety management.We will try to shorten the time to 二年级语文上册坐井观天的观是什么意思 Tom每天晚上写作业.你每天学几个小时英语?你妈妈周末做什么?我一周看一次电视.这些句子用英语怎么 自相矛盾互相矛盾的区别和它们的科学定义是什么?最好举个例子说明. 《自相矛盾》中有什么矛盾"我的矛锐利得很,随你什么盾它都能戳穿.""我的盾坚固得很,随你什么矛都戳不穿它."有什么矛盾 “木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流”的意思是什么《登岳阳楼记》中的一句话 木欣欣以向荣.以的意思 检查一句简单的句子语法.请修改.I got a letter saying I got rejected by her.求修改. 这句话语法存在错误吧?如何改正?是宾语从句吗?some people hold that appearing the re-offending most of people who is set free from prison.翻译:一些人认为出现再次犯罪的大多数是从监狱里释放出来的人。 线性代数问题,设A=(1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 )求A的特征值及对应的特征向量 这句话存在语法上的毛病,请修改.为了把生物多样性保护纳入社会发展格局中,政府将加强生态功能区的保护和自然保护区.____________________________________________________________________