
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:26:47
does your culture treat women who like other women how dictionaries are made语法现象.详细~ Let's see how dictionaries are made and how the editor ___at definitions.A.aproach B.reach C.arrive D.lead 选哪个?如何解释? how much are the dictionaries?同义句 翻译:Let us see how dictionaries are made and how the editors arrive at definitions. Dictionaries are ...1.Dictionaries are not allowed to use when you are taking an exam.还是 2.Dictionaries are not allowed to be used when you are taking an exam.哪句对?Thanks .Please tell me why. 问一道高一函数题已知函数f(x)对任意非零实数x,y,总有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)恒成立,求证y=f(x)为奇函数 已知ƒ(x)=|x²-2x-3|,就a的取值讨论ƒ(x)的图象与y=a的公共点的情况此题出现在分段函数那一节中, 函数f(x)是定义在(0,正无限大)上的减函数,对任意的x,y∈(0,正无限大),都有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)-1,且f(4)=5。问(1) 求f(2)的值。(2)解不等式f(m-2)≤3 求对数函数y=㏒2√x2-1在(0,2)上的增减性.不好意思,是y=㏒2〔√(x2-1)〕 一道高一关于函数的简单题已知f(x)+2f(1/x)=3x求f(x)反正是高一刚接触的 This problem requires_____ with great care.being studystudying填哪个 为什么? 定义在R上函数y=f(x),f0不等于0,当X大于0时,y大于1,且对任意a,b属于R,有f(a+b)=f(a)*f(b) 一:求证对于任意实数,都有y大于0 二:证明y是R上增函数 You are ________(welcome/welcomed) to use my computer.选哪个? 初三一元二次方程的应用端午节赛龙舟船,91名队员平均分坐在若干条赛船上,每条船上的人数比总船数多6.问每一条有多少条赛船?每条船坐多少船? 被减数减少20,减数增加20,差是多少? 把Z=根号3SINa+COSa-2iCOS(a+π/6)化为三角形式 Do not bow to 我决对不会向命运屈服 :I don't bow to fate absolutely可以这样翻译吗?我吧副词absolutely 放在最后?副词貌似都放在最后 老牛对牛郎说:"我死后,你就把我的皮扒下来留着.".(改为第三人称转述句 ) The.to fate, face to fate Everyone had a ----------time at the welcome party. 1great 2good 3wonderful 4all the above Why do people hurt each other luckily,he isn't ( )hurt htan the other peopleAbad Bworse Cbadly Dgood 爱是……它……(两个造句) 黄人捧日的解释意思是什么?拜托各位大神 怎么解释等质量有机物CxHy y/x的值越大 耗氧量越多 这个规律?说的最合理的给分 welcome的过去式是welcomed还是welcame? y=x2-6x-7的定义域和值域 y=x^2-6x+7 求定义域和值域 关于think的几个词组辨析think,think about,think over,think of think up辨析