
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 10:29:26


一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组.(10%)
( )1.A. water B. watch C. wallet
( )2. A. people B. popular C. purple
( )3.A. March B. match C. mean
( )4.A. carrot B. camp C. calculator
( )5. A. chicken B. children C. kitchen
( )6.A. cartoon B. costumes C. candle
( )7.A.at weekend B. at the camp C at Christmas
( )8.A. May Day B. National Day C. Sports Day
( )9.A.in the mountains B. in the morning C. mobile phone
( )10. A.moon cake B.rice dumplings C.birds’ cage

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1.A. It means “Be quiet”. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it does.
( )2. A. It’s the 5th of May. B. It’s Sports Day. C. It’s Thursday.
( )3. A. They’re my films. B. They’re in my bag. C. They were in my bag.
( )4. A. Yes , I can. B. Yes, I do. C. No, you can’t.
( )5. A. My father. B. My mother’s watch. C. It’s his.
1.My birthday is on the of July.
2.Mrs Black often on the farm.
3. All the children are .
4.We many oranges and them on Tuesday.
5.Tom was here a .
6. usually the moon at Mid-Autumn Festival.

( ) 1. head teacher ( )2 public but
( ) 3. where their ( ) 4. boat coat
( )5 date race ( )6.danger work
( )7.balloon football ( )8.litter sign
二、 按要求写单词(10%)
1.I(名词性物主代词) ___________ 2. smoke (现在分词) ___________
3. nine (序数词) __________ _ 4. ask (对应词) _____________ _
5. ours (主格) ___________ _ 6. right (同音词) _______________
7. diary (复数) ____________ _ 8. were (单数) ____________
9. has(过去式) ____________ 10. I’d(完全形式) ____
1、在三月二日 2、Let’s wait and see.
3、散步 4、dress up in costumes
5、在儿童节 6、Mid-Autumn Festival
7、拔萝卜 8、blow out the candles
9、看一部有趣的电影 10、make noise
( )1.They sang some songs _______ the Art Festival _______ October last year.
A. on … on B. at … in C. in … on
( )2、I give guitar to .
A、my , he B、mine , he C、my , him
( )3、 is your favorite present ?
A、What B、When C、Who
( ) 4. _______ you _______ the zoo last Saturday ?
A Do, visit B. Are, visiting C. Did, visit
( )5、We must in the morning .
A、read B、reads C、reading
( )6. What _______ the signs ________?
A. do, mean B. does, means C. is, means
( )7. Everybody ________ very excited now.
A. was B. are C. is
( )8. Please give ________.
A. her it B. her to it C. it to her
( )9. Mr Green is talking ________ his students ________ holidays.
A. about , to B. off , about C. to , about
( ) 10. There a lot of people in the park just now.
A. are B. were C. had
( ) 11. Which is the third of the week?
A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday
( )12. Oh,my glasses are on the ground. Please for me.
A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up
五 、从II栏中选择合适I栏的句子,将序号填在括号中(10%)

( )1.Do you like Halloween? A. No, she wasn’t.
( )2.Which festival is in January? B. It’s on the 1 st of June.
( )3.Was Lily here ten minutes ago? C. They’re Jim’s.
( )4.What does this sign mean? D. All right.
( )5.When’s Children’s Day? E. I visited a farm with my son.
( )6.Whose gloves are they? F. It means “Danger”.
( )7.What did you do last National Day? G. New Year’s Day.
( )8.Is there a park nearby? H. It’s the 16 th of January.
( )9.What day is it today? I. Yes, there is.
( )10.Throw(扔) the ball to me quickly. J. Yes, I like it very much. 、用所给词的适当形式填空.(10%)
1、I_______(go) to the farm with my family last weekend.
2、 (do)Mike often (do)housework ?
3、Li Lei (like)_______ (listen) to music.
4、Su Hai can (make) pumpkin lanterns.
5、My cousin’s birthday is on ____________(twelve) of May.
6、Mrs Brown (not visit)her parents two days ago.
7、Look, the boys ______________(take)some photos in the playground.
8、Would you like ______________ (come)my birthday party?
An old man and a young man are walking in the park. The old man is behind the young man. There’s a chair in front of the young man. The old man is very glad to see the chair. He is very tired. He is going to sit on the chair for a few minutes(几分钟). He walks to the chair. He sees the young man walking to the chair , too. So he begins to run. Now he is in front of the young man. The young man says, “Don’t sit on the chair.” The old man doesn’t listen to him. He is sitting on it. He looks very happy. The young man come over to him. He is holding a small board in his hand. It says “Wet Paint(油漆未干)”
( )1、The young man is playing in the park.
( )2、The old man and the young man are very happy to see the chair.
( )3、The old man wants to have a rest(休息一下) on the chair.
( )4、There is some water on the chair.
( )5、The young man asks the old man not to sit on the chair because it is wet(湿的).
A man was walking through(穿过) a forest. He had a few caps in his hands. In the forest there were a lot of monkeys. The day was hot, so he decided to have a rest under a tree. He put one cap on his head and lay down to sleep(躺下睡觉).
When he woke up, he couldn’t find his caps. “Where are my caps?” he cried and looked up. He saw some monkeys in the trees. Each had a cap on its head.
“Give me back my caps!” shouted(叫喊) the man to the monkeys. But the monkeys didn’t understand(理解) him. They only jumped, laughed and danced.
“How can I get back my caps?” he thought hard. In the end he had an idea. He took off his cap and threw(扔) it on the ground. The little animals did the same thing. Happily the man picked up all the caps and went on his way.
( )1.One day a man was going __________.
A.to the forest B. through the forest
C.to a village D. through the city
( )2.The man decided to have a rest because _________.
A.he was hungry B.he was tired
C.the day was hot D.he was ill
( )3.When the man woke up____________.
A. he found his caps were gone B. he saw a fox
C. he had a fever D. he found many monkeys
( )4.The man wanted to get his caps back, and he shouted to the monkeys,but it didn’t work. Why?
A. Because the monkeys wanted to laugh at him.
B. Because the monkeys wanted to wear the caps.
C. Because the monkeys didn’t understand him.
D. Because the monkeys didn’t hear what he shouted.
( )5.The man was ______when he got all his caps back.
A. angry(生气的) B. surprised(惊奇的)
C. sad(悲伤的) D. pleased(高兴的)
1.wallet 2. people 3 .March 4 . camp 5. kitchen
6. cartoon 7. at Christmas 8 . Sports Day 9. in the mountains 10 . rice dumplings
1.What did you do on the farm on Saturday? I collected eggs.
2.Sir,you shouldn’t take photos here. I’m sorry.
3.It’s Children’s Day today. The children are very happy. They’re singing and dancing.
4.Yang Ling visited a farm last month. She picked a lot of oranges and tasted them.
5.It’s on the first of October. People usually have a long holiday. Oh,I see.It’s National Day.
1. Does this sign mean “Be quiet”?
2. What date is it today?
3. Where are my films?
4. Can I play computer games now?
5.Who’s the watch from?
1.My birthday is on the twentieth of July.
2.Mrs Black often collects eggs on the farm.
3. All the children are excited .
4.We picked many oranges and tasted them on Tuesday.
5.Tom was here a moment ago .





一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(10%)
( )1.A. water B. watch C. wallet
( )2. A. people B. popular C. purple
( )3.A. March B. m...


一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(10%)
( )1.A. water B. watch C. wallet
( )2. A. people B. popular C. purple
( )3.A. March B. match C. mean
( )4.A. carrot B. camp C. calculator
( )5. A. chicken B. children C. kitchen
( )6.A. cartoon B. costumes C. candle
( )7.A.at weekend B. at the camp C at Christmas
( )8.A. May Day B. National Day C. Sports Day
( )9.A.in the mountains B. in the morning C. mobile phone
( )10. A.moon cake B.rice dumplings C.birds’ cage

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1.A. It means “Be quiet”. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it does.
( )2. A. It’s the 5th of May. B. It’s Sports Day. C. It’s Thursday.
( )3. A. They’re my films. B. They’re in my bag. C. They were in my bag.
( )4. A. Yes , I can. B. Yes, I do. C. No, you can’t.
( )5. A. My father. B. My mother’s watch. C. It’s his.
1.My birthday is on the of July.
2.Mrs Black often on the farm.
3. All the children are .
4.We many oranges and them on Tuesday.
5.Tom was here a .
6. usually the moon at Mid-Autumn Festival.
( ) 1. head teacher ( )2 public but
( ) 3. where their ( ) 4. boat coat
( )5 date race ( )6.danger work
( )7.balloon football ( )8.litter sign
二、 按要求写单词(10%)
1.I(名词性物主代词) ___________ 2. smoke (现在分词) ___________
3. nine (序数词) __________ _ 4. ask (对应词) _____________ _
5. ours (主格) ___________ _ 6. right (同音词) _______________
7. diary (复数) ____________ _ 8. were (单数) ____________
9. has(过去式) ____________ 10. I’d(完全形式) ____
1、在三月二日 2、Let’s wait and see.
3、散步 4、dress up in costumes
5、在儿童节 6、Mid-Autumn Festival
7、拔萝卜 8、blow out the candles
9、看一部有趣的电影 10、make noise
( )1.They sang some songs _______ the Art Festival _______ October last year.
A. on … on B. at … in C. in … on
( )2、I give guitar to .
A、my , he B、mine , he C、my , him
( )3、 is your favorite present ?
A、What B、When C、Who
( ) 4. _______ you _______ the zoo last Saturday ?
A Do, visit B. Are, visiting C. Did, visit
( )5、We must in the morning .
A、read B、reads C、reading
( )6. What _______ the signs ________?
A. do, mean B. does, means C. is, means
( )7. Everybody ________ very excited now.
A. was B. are C. is
( )8. Please give ________.
A. her it B. her to it C. it to her
( )9. Mr Green is talking ________ his students ________ holidays.
A. about , to B. off , about C. to , about
( ) 10. There a lot of people in the park just now.
A. are B. were C. had
( ) 11. Which is the third of the week?
A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday
( )12. Oh,my glasses are on the ground. Please for me.
A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up
五 、从II栏中选择合适I栏的句子,将序号填在括号中(10%)

( )1.Do you like Halloween? A. No, she wasn’t.
( )2.Which festival is in January? B. It’s on the 1 st of June.
( )3.Was Lily here ten minutes ago? C. They’re Jim’s.
( )4.What does this sign mean? D. All right.
( )5.When’s Children’s Day? E. I visited a farm with my son.
( )6.Whose gloves are they? F. It means “Danger”.
( )7.What did you do last National Day? G. New Year’s Day.
( )8.Is there a park nearby? H. It’s the 16 th of January.
( )9.What day is it today? I. Yes, there is.
( )10.Throw(扔) the ball to me quickly. J. Yes, I like it very much.
1、I_______(go) to the farm with my family last weekend.
2、 (do)Mike often (do)housework ?
3、Li Lei (like)_______ (listen) to music.
4、Su Hai can (make) pumpkin lanterns.
5、My cousin’s birthday is on ____________(twelve) of May.
6、Mrs Brown (not visit)her parents two days ago.
7、Look, the boys ______________(take)some photos in the playground.
8、Would you like ______________ (come)my birthday party?
1. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F).
An old man and a young man are walking in the park. The old man is behind the young man. There’s a chair in front of the young man. The old man is very glad to see the chair. He is very tired. He is going to sit on the chair for a few minutes(几分钟). He walks to the chair. He sees the young man walking to the chair , too. So he begins to run. Now he is in front of the young man. The young man says, “Don’t sit on the chair.” The old man doesn’t listen to him. He is sitting on it. He looks very happy. The young man come over to him. He is holding(举着) a small board in his hand. It says “Wet Paint(油漆未干)”
( )1、The young man is playing in the park.
( )2、The old man and the young man are very happy to see the chair.
( )3、The old man wants to have a rest(休息一下) on the chair.
( )4、There is some water on the chair.
( )5、The young man asks the old man not to sit on the chair because it is wet(湿的).
A man was walking through(穿过) a forest. He had a few caps in his hands. In the forest there were a lot of monkeys. The day was hot, so he decided to have a rest under a tree. He put one cap on his head and lay down to sleep(躺下睡觉).
When he woke up, he couldn’t find his caps. “Where are my caps?” he cried and looked up. He saw some monkeys in the trees. Each had a cap on its head.
“Give me back my caps!” shouted(叫喊) the man to the monkeys. But the monkeys didn’t understand(理解) him. They only jumped, laughed and danced.
“How can I get back my caps?” he thought hard. In the end he had an idea. He took off his cap and threw(扔) it on the ground. The little animals did the same thing. Happily the man picked up all the caps and went on his way.
( )1.One day a man was going __________.
A.to the forest B. through the forest
C.to a village D. through the city
( )2.The man decided to have a rest because _________.
A.he was hungry B.he was tired
C.the day was hot D.he was ill
( )3.When the man woke up____________.
A. he found his caps were gone B. he saw a fox
C. he had a fever D. he found many monkeys
( )4.The man wanted to get his caps back, and he shouted to the monkeys,but it didn’t work. Why?
A. Because the monkeys wanted to laugh at him.
B. Because the monkeys wanted to wear the caps.
C. Because the monkeys didn’t understand him.
D. Because the monkeys didn’t hear what he shouted.
( )5.The man was ______when he got all his caps back.
A. angry(生气的) B. surprised(惊奇的)
C. sad(悲伤的) D. pleased(高兴的)
一 听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。
1.wallet 2. people 3 .March 4 . camp 5. kitchen
6. cartoon 7. at Christmas 8 . Sports Day 9. in the mountains 10 . rice dumplings
1.What did you do on the farm on Saturday? I collected eggs.
2.Sir,you shouldn’t take photos here. I’m sorry.
3.It’s Children’s Day today. The children are very happy. They’re singing and dancing.
4.Yang Ling visited a farm last month. She picked a lot of oranges and tasted them.
5.It’s on the first of October. People usually have a long holiday. Oh,I see.It’s National Day.
1. Does this sign mean “Be quiet”?
2. What date is it today?
3. Where are my films?
4. Can I play computer games now?
5.Who’s the watch from?
1.My birthday is on the twentieth of July.
2.Mrs Black often collects eggs on the farm.
3. All the children are excited .
4.We picked many oranges and tasted them on Tuesday.
5.Tom was here a moment ago .
6. People usually watch the moon at Mid-Autumn Festival.
