
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 20:38:43


1.Pain past is pleasure.
2.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
3.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
4.All things are difficult before they are easy.
5.Great hopes make great man.(伟大的理想造就伟大的人.)
6.God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者.)
7.Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd:a little bit more.
8.In doing we learn.(实践长才干.)
9.East or west,home is best.(东好西好,还是家里最好.)
10.Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮.)
11.Good company on the road is the shortest cut.(行路有良伴就是捷径.)
12.Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水穿石.)
The shoe is on the other foot:it means the situation between us has changed,somebody has replace someone to stand on the top place.
For example,for the last ten years the Tigers have been the worst team in the league,we've finished down at the bottom.But now the shoe is on the other foot,we have all these good young players and we're beating everybody else in the whole league.(在过去的十年里,我们“老虎队”一直是参加联赛的所有球队中最差的一个,比赛总是最后一名.现在不同啦,我们的队员都很年轻,球技也好,“老虎队”目前所向披靡.)

Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水穿石。)

He sets the fox to keep the geese.
When the fox preaches, take care of your geese.