
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 14:44:24


Hong Kong is on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta on the southeastern coast of China, facing the South China Sea in the south, and bordering Guangdong Province in the north. Hong Kong is China's richest region, has one of the world's most liberal economies and is a major international centre of finance and trade.
Hong Kong was a British colony from 1842, until its sovereignty was transferred to the PRC in 1997. It is governed as a special administrative region under the Basic Law of Hong Kong. Under the terms of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the PRC has promised that Hong Kong will have a relatively high degree of autonomy until at least 2047, fifty years after the transfer of sovereignty. Under the "One Country, Two Systems" policy, it retains its own legal system, currency, customs policy, cultural delegation, international sport teams, and immigration laws.
Hong Kong had been a trade port ever since the British occupation, but its position as an entrepot declined greatly after the United Nations ordered a trade embargo against the People's Republic of China as a result of the Korean War. In response, a textile industry was established, taking advantage of the new pool of workers from China who were willing to work for almost any wage. During this period, the economy grew extremely rapidly. Towards the 1970s, Hong Kong began to move away from the textile industry and develop its financial and banking economy. This led to even greater growth, and Hong Kong quickly became one of the wealthiest territories in the world. Its position as an entrepot was revived when the Open Door Policy was adopted by the PRC in the late 1970s under Deng Xiaoping.
The liberation of Hong Kong in 1945 was celebrated at the Cenotaph in Victoria with the raising of the Union Flag and the Flag of the Republic of China.In the 1980s, with the lease on the New Territories running out, the British government, led by Margaret Thatcher, decided to negotiate the question of the sovereignty of Hong Kong. Although the British would have been legally required to transfer only the New Territories to the PRC, Whitehall decided that maintaining a rump colony would not be worthwhile - the majority of Hong Kong's land was in the New Territories, and failure to return the entire colony would undoubtedly have generated political friction between the UK and PRC.
Flag of Hong Kong before 1st July, 1997Pursuant to an agreement known as the Sino-British Joint Declaration, signed by the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom on 19 December 1984, the whole territory of Hong Kong under British colonial rule became the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC on 1 July 1997. In the Joint Declaration, the PRC promised that under the "One Country, Two Systems" policy proposed by Deng Xiaoping, the socialist economic system in mainland China would not be practised in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong's previous capitalist system and life-style would remain unchanged for at least 50 years, or until 2047. Hong Kong would enjoy a high degree of autonomy in all matters except diplomatic affairs and national defence.
The Joint Declaration came into particular focus in June 1989 when the PRC authorities in Beijing moved with particular severity against "pro-democracy" demonstrators in Tiananmen Square and elsewhere in Beijing. The loss of life amongst their Chinese brethren in the Chinese capital led to literally millions of Hong Kong Chinese protesting openly in the streets of Hong Kong. In the (then) colony of Hong Kong there was immediate concern about Hong Kong's future, a fall in the stock market and general disquiet.
HK Convention and Exhibition Centre: It served as the site of the handover ceremony, which signified the end of British ruleHong Kong was transferred to the PRC at midnight on 1 July 1997, with the last governor, Chris Patten, leaving on the royal yacht. Soon after the handover in July, land values in Hong Kong collapsed substantially and expedited the burst of the bubble economy, as part of the Asian financial crisis. This was exacerbated by Tung Chee Hwa's unsubstantiated pledge to supply 85,000 new flats annually [3]; which essentially manipulated the region's real estate prices. In some areas, land values fell by over half; and the Hang Seng Index fell by over 1,500 points on 28 October 1997, losing 22.8% of its value in a week.
Hong Kong was hit badly by the outbreak of the SARS virus beginning in mid-March through the summer of 2003. This exacerbated the region's economic problems, especially in the effect that it had on travel to and from Hong Kong.
City of Hong Kong at nightOn 1 July the same year, half a million people marched in the largest protest rally ever aimed at the government of Hong Kong, voicing concerns about a proposed anti-subversion bill that would have eroded freedom of the press, of religion and of association arising from Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, as well as dissatisfaction with the poor state of the economy. Regina Ip, then Secretary for Security, and Antony Leung, then Financial Secretary, were forced to leave office in 2003 under public pressure (though Antony Leung left office for reason unrelated to the SARS and Article 23 crisis, he gave in to public pressure after his involvement in the 'Lexusgate' scandal).
On 10 March 2005, Tung Chee Hwa submitted his resignation as chief executive of Hong Kong. Donald Tsang, the Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong, served as Acting Chief Executive until 25 May, when he, too, resigned to take part in the campaign for the new Chief Executive election. Following an interim government headed by Henry Tang, Tsang was elected as Chief Executive
1842年 清政府与英国签订不平等的《南京条约》,割让香港岛给英国.
1860年 签订《北京条约》,割让九龙半岛给英国.
1896年 英国强迫清政府再订条约,租借九龙半岛界线街以北地区及附近岛屿,租期99年,二次世界大战期间,被日本占领.
1945年 日本投降,又被英国重新占领.
1984年 中英签署关於香港问题的联合声明.
1997年 香港回归中国,实行“一国两制”、“高度自治”.
春季(3月至5月中旬): 天气回暖潮湿,经常有雾和毛毛雨,平均气温摄氏二十三度,湿度百分之八十二;
夏季(5月下旨至9月中旬): 仲夏之后是台风季节,夏季天气炎热潮湿,下午气温可以升逾三十一度,间中有骤雨和雷暴,平均气温二十八度,湿度百分之八十;
秋季((9月下旬至12月下旬): 天气晴朗,清凉干爽,所以是抵港旅游旺季.平均温度二十三度,湿度百分之七十二;
冬季(12月中旬至2月下旬): 天气最凉爽干燥,间中会有寒流从北面内陆吹来,届时温度可能会降至八度以下,至于冬季的平均温度是十七度,湿度百分之七十二.
香港的多元文化,也体现在众多的节日之中.这为香港人带来更多的热闹与欢乐,也为旅客造就了更多的惊喜.中国的传统节日热闹、喜庆、吉利,当然不能错过;西方的节日新潮、 刺激和有趣,更是令人兴奋.
农历新年 (农历正月):新年是中国人最重视的节日.除了合家团圆、 拜访亲友等必不可少的内容;
年宵花市:农历新年前数天在多区举行,其中一年一度的维多利亚公园年宵花市最热闹,出售桃花、 菊花、 水仙花等各种贺岁鲜花及其他商品.
烟花汇演:大年初二 ,在维多利亚港海面举行.海港两岸和高层建筑临海的一面,都成了最好的观赏位置.
圣诞节 (12月25日) :圣诞节是香港最热闹、最隆重的节日.维多利亚港两岸的高大建筑,提前个多月就布置上色彩缤纷的灯饰,各商店也换上圣诞装饰,仅是这一风景,就引得不少游人赞叹不已.此时的香港,展现出最辉煌的城市面貌,如果对香港的繁华有兴趣,那么,最好的游览时间一定是圣诞.
如果能在圣诞来香港,购物也是一大乐趣.这时各大商场都会实施大减价,可低至半价, 这已经成了香港的惯例,香港居民都会选择这个时候购买圣诞礼物,为至爱送上浓浓的暖意.
Geography : the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Guangdong Province, south, east of the mouth of the Pearl River, south by the South China Sea, north Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, with an area of 1,070 square kilometers. Hong Kong, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories and outlying islands four majority. Hong Kong is a typical coastal hilly terrain, numerous mountains, plains small; Most of the coastal plains, land reclamation is the result of nearly 100 years. Hong Kong is very tortuous coastline, Shenzhen Bay and more. Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the Victoria Harbor, located in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea interchange Looking from the Pacific, Asia and the rest of the world is an important harbor Hong Kong's population of more than 6.6 million population : Origin of name : Hong Kong, for "incense in the harbor." On the island around the time of manufacture and distribute the aroma of incense and candles are related. Chinese ethnic groups : 97%, mostly in Guangdong; Foreign 3% Religion : Buddhism, Taoism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam Languages : English, Cantonese and Putonghua Hailed : Pearl of the Orient, the exciting prospects District bauhinia flower : Historical background : 1842-British government to sign the unequal "Treaty of Nanjing", the island of Hong Kong was ceded to Britain. 1860 signing of the "Treaty of Beijing," the cession of the Kowloon peninsula to Britain. Britain forced the Qing government in 1896 treaty, leased lines Street north of the Kowloon Peninsula and its nearby islands, with 99 year leases, during the Second World War, was occupied by Japan. Japan's surrender in 1945, re-occupied by the British. 1984 signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong issues. 1997 return to China under the "one country, two systems" and "a high degree of autonomy." Climate : Temperature Hong Kong is sub-tropical monsoon climate, the average temperature of 22.8 degrees Celsius, the average rainfall of 2,225 mm, the average relative humidity of 78%. Spring (March to mid-May) : the return of warmer weather and humid, with frequent fog and drizzle, with an average temperature of 23 degrees Celsius and humidity of 82%; Summer (May to September mid-Star) : After the summer typhoon season, the weather was hot and humid summer, the temperature of 31 degrees can learn occasional showers and thunderstorms, with an average temperature of 28 degrees, humidity 80%; Autumn ((late September to late December) : The weather was fine and cool and dry, it is the peak tourist arrivals. The average temperature of 23 degrees, humidity 72%; In winter (late February to mid-December) : weather is cool and dry inland occasionally be cold wind from the north, when the temperature may drop below 8 as the average winter temperature is 17 degrees, humidity 72%. Festive activities : Hong Kong's cultural diversity is also reflected in the festival, among many. This will bring more excitement and joy to people, but also create a more pleasant surprises for visitors. China's traditional festivals and lively, happy, lucky, we can not miss. Western holiday fashion, stimulating and interesting, more exciting. Lunar New Year (lunar) : Chinese New Year is the most important festival. In addition to the family reunion, visiting friends and other essential elements; Hong Kong's Spring Festival features include : Lunar New Year Fair : A few days before the Lunar New Year, held in various districts, including the annual Lunar New Year Fair in Victoria Park's most popular, selling peach, chrysanthemum, narcissi and other Lunar New Year flowers and other commodities. : New Year's Day Parade, held in the city. The performance of the annual parade of floats from all over the world, and the culture and customs of different regions of the parade, which combined a variety of large-scale performances to celebrate the new year prosperity and vice versa. 2 : New Year fireworks display, held in Victoria Harbor. Linhai side of the harbor and high-rise buildings have become the best viewing location. Christmas Day (December 25) : Christmas is the most popular and most solemn festival. Tall buildings on both sides of Victoria Harbor, more than a month ahead of schedule on the layout of colorful lights, the Christmas decoration stores have changed, only the scenery, it attracted many visitors throughout. Hong Kong at this time, displaying the appearance of the city's most brilliant, if interest of Hong Kong's prosperity, then Christmas is the best time to visit. Christmas Eve is the most popular and sacred Christmas Eve Mass in a church, some hotels and shopping malls have choir singing carols, people poured into the streets of Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront promenade and gardens near Main Street is surging crowd. If they can come to Hong Kong for Christmas shopping is a great fun. Then major stores will be big price, as low as half-price, and this has become the normal practice in Hong Kong, Hong Kong residents would choose this time to buy Christmas presents for their loved into the thick of warmth. New Year's Day (January 1), Valentine's Day (February 14), Tin Hau Festival (Lunar March 23), Buddha's Birthday (eighth day of the fourth lunar month), the Bun Festival (the eighth day of the fourth lunar month), Dragon Boat Festival (lunar month in the first five), begging for cleverness Festival (lunar story), xiang Festival (Lunar July 14), the Mid-Autumn Festival (Lunar New Year), Halloween (October 31).