英语逻辑短文A mysterious invitationRoom 1016 in Appleby Mansions had a sign on the door saying “Nepal Tours”.It was empty when I got there,except for a little woman sitting in a corner doing her knitting.I thought I had come to the wrong pl

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:00:56
英语逻辑短文A mysterious invitationRoom 1016 in Appleby Mansions had a sign on the door saying “Nepal Tours”.It was empty when I got there,except for a little woman sitting in a corner doing her knitting.I thought I had come to the wrong pl

英语逻辑短文A mysterious invitationRoom 1016 in Appleby Mansions had a sign on the door saying “Nepal Tours”.It was empty when I got there,except for a little woman sitting in a corner doing her knitting.I thought I had come to the wrong pl
A mysterious invitation
Room 1016 in Appleby Mansions had a sign on the door saying “Nepal Tours”.It was empty when I got there,except for a little woman sitting in a corner doing her knitting.I thought I had come to the wrong place,but the woman looked up at me and spoke.“Ticket?” she said,and handed me a white envelope.I opened it and,sure enough,it was a ticket for Katmandu.Then I noticed the date and time of departure,“March 3,7 p.m.”.That was today,and it was already 5:30p.m.I did not have my passport or my luggage with me——I would have to miss the flight!
However,just then the old woman pulled out a small backpack from under her chair and handed to me.I opened it and found a few clothes,a cheap and an American passport.“Someone who looks like me must have left his bag here,” I thought.Out of curiosity,I looked at the passport to see who it really belongs to.I was surprised to find that the photo inside was a photo of me!Underneath the photo a note had been stuck.It read “Here is your new identity.From now on you are Chuck Beagle,a pilot from California.”
Feeling extremely puzzled,but also very excited,I took a taxi straight to the airport.I arrived only just in tie to catch my flight.However,I could not see my brother anywhere.As I was searching for him.A Buddhist monk wearing long purple robes was close to me.I didn’t know him until he put out his hand and said,“Hi Ed.Did you have a good flight?”
1.Who did the writer find in Room 1016
2.Why did he think he would have to miss his flight?
3.Who did the passport belong to?
4.Who do you think wrote the note in the passport?
5.When it is 12 o'clock p.m.in London,it is 5:45p.m.in Kathmandu.What time was it when the writer arrived in Kathmandu?
首先 短文都翻译懂了 就是没明白要讲个什么
2.然后那个1016房间在哪里 在加德满都 还是 伦敦(文章中没有 只在题里有)?
6.他最后到没到目的地啊 还是只到机场 没上飞机呢

英语逻辑短文A mysterious invitationRoom 1016 in Appleby Mansions had a sign on the door saying “Nepal Tours”.It was empty when I got there,except for a little woman sitting in a corner doing her knitting.I thought I had come to the wrong pl
1、a little old woman
2、That was today,and it was already 5:30p.m.!he did not have his passport or his luggage with him
4、the Buddhist monk .鉴于文中只有我,woman、brother、
A Buddhist monk .前2个是不可能,第3个一点交代都没有,所以选第四个.
一、When it is 12 o'clock p.m.in London,it is 5:45p.m.in Kathmandu这个条件只能算出两地时差为6时15分钟.
而我缺少 两地之间乘飞机需多长时间 这个条件.
1、标题是 一个神秘的邀请 .全文好像就是写作者莫名其妙的被邀请及由此碰到一些莫名其妙的人等
2、刚才搜了下,看到英国坎伯里亚郡有个Appleby ,可猜想这个appleby是在英国,是与伦敦采用同一时间.这是文章中没有的
4、新身份是名叫Chuck Beagle的美国加州飞行员.文中没交代为什么,似乎也是作者想要搞明白的事情之一吧
5、那个僧侣喊出来一个名字Ed.并不是那个假护照上用来骗人的名字Chuck Beagle.可见如果不是这个和尚认错人了的话,那么,作者本名就是Ed.也就是说他认识作者,他就是作者找的那个brother或者是brother派来的人.
6、文中说I arrived only just in tie to catch my flight.
only just in tie我不知道意思.但根据上下文猜测是 及时 的意思
之后那个僧侣说了句Did you have a good flight?” 可知在他看来作者已经飞行完毕了,是在加德满都的机场找人.

4: transfers-will difficulty?

Big three plus rondo, Boston is a 4 people dance in the dance. Only two games is averaging garnett added 18 points and 10 assists, and defense, garnett plays ja...


4: transfers-will difficulty?

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Molina shooting is famous nerve, the critical moment to sword MeiPu the regular season, his shooting data for hypertension, in the playoffs, and to the east finals 40.5% can drop to 37.1% again. This is so, still can maintain before the shooting, 41% capital-use to just find a basket, always maintain teammates have implicative, James says the guy is shooting team.

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In the two games, knights are always in section 2 is backward to double digits, and the season it is almost a practice. The hero save James script of the Lord to save game, however, behind 18 points is James failure lessons. Why a.500 team league best regular season will hit so bad opening!!! To master the language brown again: "we need urgency!"

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