英译中,拒绝机译,要求不高,通顺就行.Recommendations for changes to the Fatal Accidents Act 1976; to extend the categories of people who would be eligible to claim damages for bereavement and as dependants of the person who had died.Views

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 10:50:20
英译中,拒绝机译,要求不高,通顺就行.Recommendations for changes to the Fatal Accidents Act 1976; to extend the categories of people who would be eligible to claim damages for bereavement and as dependants of the person who had died.Views

英译中,拒绝机译,要求不高,通顺就行.Recommendations for changes to the Fatal Accidents Act 1976; to extend the categories of people who would be eligible to claim damages for bereavement and as dependants of the person who had died.Views
Recommendations for changes to the Fatal Accidents Act 1976; to extend the categories of people who would be eligible to claim damages for bereavement and as dependants of the person who had died.
Views are being sought on the principles surrounding the ability of people injured to claim damages for the cost of private medical treatment,and on the relationship between public and private provision of care and accommodation services.
Consideration is being given to the law on claims for psychiatric illness and proposes to allow the courts to continue to develop the law in this area rather than introduce legislation.
Other areas considered in the paper are:the law on aggravated and restitutionary damages; and the treatment in damages awards of collateral benefits,gratuitous care and services,and accommodation expenses.
The Ministry of Justice has said it will now begin to consider the responses to the consultation and "aim" to publish the proposals within a three-month period,according to government guidelines.This could then lead to draft legislation being published.

英译中,拒绝机译,要求不高,通顺就行.Recommendations for changes to the Fatal Accidents Act 1976; to extend the categories of people who would be eligible to claim damages for bereavement and as dependants of the person who had died.Views






英译中,拒绝机译,要求不高,通顺就行.Recommendations for changes to the Fatal Accidents Act 1976; to extend the categories of people who would be eligible to claim damages for bereavement and as dependants of the person who had died.Views 英语翻译不是仅直译就行了,要求通顺,精炼 只有十几天了,雅思口语怎么准备啊,要求不高,6分就行.我今年大一,英语底子还行,就是口语最差.拒绝各种广告... 懂的进呃呃.推荐下诺基亚的手机拒绝N系列.照相嘛 清晰就行 有音乐功能 不要求音质适合女生用就行 滑盖直板都可 倾听生命拔节的声音我只要题记 开头 结尾就行 要求 语句通顺 英语翻译东西不多,只要语句通顺就行,内容稍有变动也无所谓.只要能和问题连上就行.但一定要在6号下午之前回答才送分.还有拒绝网络翻译器翻译出来的东西,牛头不对马嘴的.一看就能看出 马虎的我 字数:450字~500字.要求:不需太多好词好句,通顺就行!(为了不为难大家,一半抄袭,一半原创就行)求作文大神了,8:30之前要, 英语翻译东西不多,只要语句通顺.多用几个关联词组就行,内容稍有变动也无所谓.但一定要在9月30号之前回答才送分.还有拒绝网络翻译器翻译出来的东西,牛头不对马嘴的.一看就能看出来,50分 英语翻译拒绝机译! 求西城男孩《still here》歌词以及翻译,要求流畅,拒绝机译 求西城男孩《angle》歌词以及翻译,要求流畅,拒绝机译 求西城男孩《evergreen〉歌词以及翻译,要求流畅,拒绝机译 求布兰妮crazy的歌词以及翻译,要求完整,拒绝机译~ 采访一个爱读书的人呵呵,要求不高,450字左右就行.谈话要有趣哦! 急求一篇以原谅别人的话题作文 八百字左右水平一般般就行.不要求太高. 求一篇《茶花女》的100字英文读后感要求真心不高,只要不是发表多次的就行 英语翻译要求通顺 “无所谓”中译英拒绝机译!