
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:32:44


Subject:Sino-US comparison of the relationship between husband and wife
First,the transition from the ancient Chinese loving couple to couple social status inequality caused by contradictions (Sino-US comparison)
Qingzhao with her husband ZhaoMingCheng,is famous loving couple.Qingzhao by implicated to be exiled,ZhaoMingCheng neither her real divorce or the false divorce to make a clean break immediately a quarter to three severing she swept out of,but four intercede removed Trustee,gift-giving dinner,in order to tolerance and suffering day to day,try to delay not go.But even if it is a Wife meaning heavy this point,between husband and wife or inevitable that some unpleasant.The Zhao and ZhaoMingCheng for poetry,often mixed work let friends pick the good works are selected Qingzhao works so ZhaoMingCheng to feel humiliated.Same phenomenon even put to China today,if the wife of a higher social status than The husbands or earn more than their husbands,often it will cause a rift between the couple and the sub,which is due to the bones or wife as her husband's subsidiary.
But not like in the United States,the status of the wife and husband are equal,if the wife's work to support her family,even her husband is also willing to be a full-time husband at home laundry cooking kids.
Second,China and the United States between husband and wife get along with the pursuit of different
In everyday life,the establishment of the relationship between husband and wife in China depends on both the status,age,appearance,birth and parents' views.Or no feelings,if various conditions are met,any qualified man and a woman can marry.In the United States,more focus on the body and mind fit.This also led to a Chinese couple more courteous Danru water of life in the United States between husband and wife is more romance and passion.Chinese wife and her husband may not have anything in common topic and a common interest,even if her husband own Strange Bedfellows,more suffer in silence over their own day.
If such a problem between husband and wife of the United States,more will divorce.
III Examples of ancient Chinese men's grass is always greener phenomenon
Typical ancient Chinese husband and wife relationship is the husband of the grass is always greener.Think year LiuChe also promised to marry Chen Gillian "Jinwucangjiao promise,the blink of an eye,Chen Gillian moved to the ward,daughter in exchange for" Nagato Fu did not restore the heart to stay in the Guardian sub husband LiuChe.But chilling Wei the sub husband's favor also soon be replaced by Ms.Li and hook Eagle Lady.

英语翻译主题:中美夫妻关系的对比一、从中国古代恩爱的夫妻过渡到夫妻社会地位不平等造成的矛盾(中美对比)李清照与她的丈夫赵明诚是有名的恩爱夫妻.当年李清照受牵连要流放,赵 形容夫妻关系的贬义词 《一夜的工作 》文章几处采用了对比的方法,从中体会到什么? 有个英语演讲,主题是中美holiday的比较, 英语翻译A 和 C是夫妻关系呢? 中美传统节日 对比/论文中美传统节日对比研究的论文.字数需要2000以上!从节日起源,节日影响上分析中美文化差异!好的可以+分,蹭2分的别来! 中美语言文化差异中国人说化方式和美国人的说话方式对比 只和夫妻关系有关的成语 越多越好 对比美国独立战争期间英美力量的对比从中决定战争结果的主要因素是什么 结合当今世界的两大主题,说明中美成为建设合作者有什么现实意义 英语翻译从中西式快餐的对比到中式快餐的技术标准化、服务标准化、环境标准化等战略对策的探究,从而摆脱中式快餐业的发展困境. 英语翻译从中印纺织业的对比看中国劳动密集型产业的发展,这个是作为毕业论文的题目的,请从题目角度入手考虑, 关于中美外交政治课的演讲,主题是“中美外交”,最好是分几个方面,结合一些例子具体说一下 生活中美的文章 中美建交的原因? 中美建交的时间 英语翻译一句中文一句英文,要有对比 请问各位朋友,最早时期的原始社会男女之间存在夫妻关系吗?