我要一篇关于奥运的英语文章文章中要有奥运的知识 我想当志愿者的东西 2008北京奥运相关的东西```

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 00:45:21
我要一篇关于奥运的英语文章文章中要有奥运的知识 我想当志愿者的东西 2008北京奥运相关的东西```

我要一篇关于奥运的英语文章文章中要有奥运的知识 我想当志愿者的东西 2008北京奥运相关的东西```
文章中要有奥运的知识 我想当志愿者的东西 2008北京奥运相关的东西```

我要一篇关于奥运的英语文章文章中要有奥运的知识 我想当志愿者的东西 2008北京奥运相关的东西```
The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".
Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.
The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.
中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所做的努力.中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬.

The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) has recently received the ISO14001 certificate, meaning that the environmental management system (EMS) set up by the BOCOG c...


The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) has recently received the ISO14001 certificate, meaning that the environmental management system (EMS) set up by the BOCOG conforms to the ISO14001:1966 standards and requirements.
The certificate issued by China's national environmental authentication center on October 13 covers areas including BOCOG's office work, the event route planning, venue planning, partners selecting, contracted hotels selecting, communication and environmental management.
The BOCOG started establishing the EMS following BOCOG president Liu Qi's approval in April 2004. After experts' examination and appraisal of a trial practice of several months, the BOCOG passed the certification in September this year.
The system will be implemented from now on to ensure BOCOG's scientific management of the Olympiad's preparation and hosting.
As a theme of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Green Olympics means to prepare it in accordance with the principle of sustainable development, which calls for the protection of environment, conservation of resources and maintenance of ecological balance.
The city's environmental infrastructure will be enhanced and its ecological surrounding improved. Beijing will widely organize environmental communication and education activities to raise public awareness and leave rich environmental legacy to China and world sports.
BOCOG has compiled an EMS manual, assigned environmental management representatives, clarified responsibilities for BOCOG's different departments, held training courses, and confirmed some key environmental elements for all departments
