
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:44:23


Movie Script II
Emily:With this hand,I will lift your sorrows.Your cup will never empty,for I will be...I will be...Your cup will never empty,for I will be...
Victor:I will be your wine.
Corpse 1:She's having a second thought.
Emily:I can't.
Victor:What's wrong?
Emily:This is wrong.I was a bride.My dreams were taken from me.But now,now I've stolen them from someone else.I love you,Victor.But you are not mine.
Barkis:Oh,how touching!I always cry at weddings.The young lovers together at last.Surely now they can live happily ever after.But you forget,she's still my wife.I will not leave here empty-handed!
Barkis:But,but...I left you.
Emily:Left me dead.
Barkis:This woman is obviously delusional.Sorry to cut it short,but we must be on our way.
Victor:Take you hands off her.
Barkis:Do I have to kill you too?
Corpse 2:Victor,catch!Sorry.
Corpse 3:I say,play it fair,sir.
Barkis:Too shame,my dear.
Emily:Get out!
Barkis:Oh,I'm leaving.But first a toast to Emily,always the bridesmaid,never the bride.Tell me,my dear,can a heart still break when it stops beating?
Maggot:Let me have him,let me have him,don't let him...
Corpse 4:Wait,we must abide by their rules.We are amongst the livings.
Barkis:Well said.
Maggot:Not any more.
Corpse 5:Yes,you're right.He's all yours.
Corpse 2:New arrival.
Victoria:Oh,Victor,I never thought I'd see you again.
Victor:Wait.I made the promise.
Emily:You kept your promise.You set me free.Now I can do the same for you.
1.have a second thought,表示“另有想法,重新考虑”.
2.The young lovers together at last.有情人终成眷属.