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有观点认为,芙蓉姐姐是策划的结果.她的照片是曾经主推“流氓燕”并给她拍照片的网络推手陈墨拍的;她的blog大多不是自己写的,而是其他写手写的,包括其中著名的“胸部酥酥”的一篇. 也有观点认为,陈墨虽然是天涯社区的斑竹(版主),有炒作芙蓉的动机,但是他也只是受雇于人只是拍照片而已.另外也有人声称,曾在咖啡馆里听到包括芙蓉姐姐在内的7个人讨论下一步策划的计划. 史恒侠在2005年6月下旬从希望电子出版社辞职之后,进军娱乐界,并拍了一些短片.
其实,每个人都是芙蓉姐姐,都在为了自己的目标而奋斗,只是远没有芙蓉那么执着,那么不顾一切,当然也不可能都像芙蓉姐姐一样功成名就,得偿所愿. 于是,嘲讽的人继续嘲讽,谩骂的人继续谩骂,执着的人依然执着,时间会证明芙蓉姐姐的不屈不挠的精神,是互联网上的一座灯塔,照亮着所有没有背景、没有金钱、依靠自身努力、顶住外界所有嘲讽与谩骂朝着自己目标进发的人前进,踏平懒惰者的愤怒和有权势者的阻挡,实现自己人生的目标.
From the description of Sister Lotus and display their own perspective, including photographs, text, interviews, she may be inclined with wild disorder. Concrete expression to excessive self-confidence, achieve the degree of narcissism, and have a strong desire to want the public to understand that narcissism as self-confidence, which is probably many times this person and graduate entrance examinations have a certain relationship between the experience of failure.
Peking University Tsinghua University students are constantly encouraged in the site Sister Lotus, she believes she is very beautiful, style and charisma make her believe she is the reason this show and more confident. These students make fun of the characters from the get unexpected pleasure. In order to continue to expand their own happiness, they continue to allow this behavior intensified, showing an extremely unhealthy state of mind.
The idea that Sister Lotus is the result of planning. Her photo was once in charge of pushing "rogue Yan" and take pictures of her network of promoter Chen Mo shot; her most is not their own blog to write, but the other was handwritten, including the famous "chest exciting moment" in 1. There are arguments that, although Chen Mo End of the World community owner (moderator), there is speculation the motive of hibiscus, but he is only employed people only take pictures only. There is also some claims that have been heard in the coffee shop, including Sister Lotus 7, including plans for individuals to discuss the next plan. Shi Hengxia late in June 2005 following the resignation from the hope that electronic publishing, into the entertainment industry, and shoot some video.
Phenomenon of Sister Lotus is the gradual opening up of mainland media after the vulgar, vulgar tendency of a performance, but also a more malicious
While talking about online friends as spectators, different mentality, but generally speaking, although we think that this incident is absurd, but also contains some of the genuine factors, the view that Sister Furong, from an objective point of view, really gave rise to incredible happiness and on the "dreams and self-confidence," moving. Some supporters even clearly call: Do not wake up to Sister Furong, the most noble a person to retain the right to dream.
Some people think: From another perspective, because the performance of Sister Lotus, I more or less a little sick, then the performance as spectators rather too silly, fraudulent claims can be said to be vicious, and the BBS on the encouragement of Sister Lotus fat Posts and hard to wait for photos and Lu Xun those spectators if not heavier, as a group of onlookers in the street sense of a lack of adequate, somewhat unusual woman, laughing and cursing at the same time urged her to the next show.
Some people even said: It is hard to determine, in the end she was a patient or a patient of our own.
In fact, everyone is Sister Furong, are fighting for their own goals, but being so far hibiscus, so desperate, of course, not all the same fame as Sister Lotus, they got it. As a result, people continue mocking sarcasm, verbal abuse of people continue to abuse, dedicated people are still persistent, time will prove the indomitable spirit of Sister Lotus is the Internet a beacon, illuminating the background of all no, no money, relying on their own efforts , withstood all the ridicule and abuse outside their own goal toward the people forward, to overcome the lazy person's anger and stop those in power to achieve their goals in life.