
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:37:03


I remember that you were tall and outgoing.What you like most is that communicating with other people.You like playing basketball,table tennis and so on.Your have got a healthy body.You never eat junk food.Remember the day that we went out together.We really have a happy time.I will not forget you and best wish to you.

i remember you are out-going and tall. your favorite thing is talking with others. you also like to play basketball and ping-pong. you are healthy, because you never eat junk food. what a happy day we...


i remember you are out-going and tall. your favorite thing is talking with others. you also like to play basketball and ping-pong. you are healthy, because you never eat junk food. what a happy day we had in the park last time. i can't forget you. i hope you can be happy everyday.


I remember you long high. Outgoing personality. You like the most and others exchange. You like to play basketball, table tennis... Your body is very healthy. You never eat junk food... We went to the...


I remember you long high. Outgoing personality. You like the most and others exchange. You like to play basketball, table tennis... Your body is very healthy. You never eat junk food... We went to the park to play that can be happy! And I never forget you. I hope you happy every day! "
Translated into English... Junior middle school grammar can. Use grammar as simple as possible, thank content "I remember you long high. Outgoing personality. You like most communicate with others. You like to play basketball, table tennis... your body is very healthy. You never eat junk food... that we go to the park, but happy! And I never forget you. I hope you happy every day!"


I remember that you are quite tall. you like to communicate with others. you like playing basketball and table tennis. you are very healthy and never eat rubbish food. we had a wonderful time in that park! i won't forget you. i hope you will be happy every day!

I remember you long high. Outgoing personality. You like the most and others exchange. You like to play basketball, table tennis... Your body is very healthy. You never eat junk food... We went to the...


I remember you long high. Outgoing personality. You like the most and others exchange. You like to play basketball, table tennis... Your body is very healthy. You never eat junk food... We went to the park to play that can be happy! And I never forget you. I hope you happy every day! "
Translated into English... Junior middle school grammar can. Use grammar as simple as possible, thank content "I remember you long high. Outgoing personality. You like most communicate with others. You like to play basketball, table tennis... your body is very healthy. You never eat junk food... that we go to the park, but happy! And I never forget you. I hope you happy every day!"


I remember you were long high.you were Outgoing and personality. You liked talking weith others.You liked to play basketball, table tennis... Your body was very healthy. You never eat junk food...One day, We went to the park to play happilly! And I never forget you. I hope you happy every day! "

I remember that you are tall and out-going. You enjoy chatting with other. Your favorite sports are basketball and table tennis. You are very healthy as you do not like junk foods. I really enjoyed the day when we had fun in the park. I won't forget you and wish you happy everyday.

内容“我记得你长的很高.性格外向.你最喜欢和别人交流.你喜欢打蓝球、乒乓球...你的身体很健康.你从来不吃垃圾食品..那次我们去公园玩的可高兴啦!、我忘不了你.我希望你快乐每一天!” 英文 我路过你 我永远记得你” “我最亲爱的”怎么说? 我的中文名叫陈诗雨.性格外向、不太注意言行举止、很活泼好动.希望帮我取韩名英文名各一个.顺便给我注上音标和白字.不要很长的哦.要灰主流哈.我还未成年.记得给可爱哈. 我的性格很外向,而且我的口才很好.用英语怎么说 英语翻译我的性格不是十分外向,但很一个热情,很愿意帮助别人 【他的性格像我,很外向】这句话用英语翻译出来 英语翻译我叫BANNY,今年XX岁,来自辽宁省省会沈阳,性格活泼外向,有时候性格比较急躁,所以我这个人做什么事情都会急急忙忙的,我喜欢溜冰,但是我最擅长的是台球,我是个讨厌寂寞的人,我记得 歌曲名字是?高一时听过,同学放的,一首歌,隐隐约约记得,什么 亲爱的你 送给最美的你,什么的.由于时间久远,歌词我都记不清了是男的唱的很有激情 你的性格很像我,可惜不是朋友 英语翻译 一篇英文作文,大概内容是写给你的美国笔友Tom写一封e-mail介绍你的英语老师lee,要点如下1.他有40岁,有一个幸福的家2.性格外向与学生相处很好3.他的课堂很有趣,课后经常帮助我们学英语4.不 求一段简单的英文自我介绍 = = 不要有语法错误翻译:我的名字叫ann,今年16岁,我是一个活泼开朗,性格外向的女孩,我来自古老的中国,很高兴认识你,希望和你成为朋友. 英语翻译希望你以后能一直记得我,我很认真的喜欢你,爱你. 将以下句子汉译英1,我的头发比你的短2,我比她漂亮3,坐船比坐公车有趣多了4,他比你外向5,我的书包比你的重6,我爸爸比我妈妈高7,李老师比王老师严肃8,猴子是最聪明的动物9,谁更健美一些?你 对你,很失望 这么个情况:昨天她起行美国 喜欢她 而她不喜欢我 还送过我梨子 而我说放弃不了 不想离 她是一个非常好强的人 性格外向 就在她上车之前 我在她QQ空间上留了一下言(悄悄话 你的女友是什么性格的女孩?开朗的,奔放的,外向的,文静的,内向的?求助这句话的英文翻译 我唯一记得的就是离你而去,那是关于你最美的回忆!求地道的英文翻译 英语翻译内容为:还记得我吗?远在德国的你过的好吗?你的家人每天都快乐吗?很久没跟你联系了,先说声对不起.听说你要来中国了,我非常的期待.期待你的到来.最美好的祝福,××× 性格,外向的,内向的,英文怎么说?三个词,要最常用的表示法,