
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:47:37

Leaders first is a designer,create for yourself display their talent to the best environment and conditions.Then he should have forecast and developmental vision.Secondly,he is a server,and serve the humanness is profit.Then he should have selflessness and selfless quality.Again he should be a imparted the technology,innovation,who taught in others,let them benefit.Then he should have stronger keenness and selfless spirit.
I want to be an unwavering courage,a strong sense of justice,strong determination,selfless dedication,charming personality,responsibility,rich cooperation spirit,have decisive decision-making power leader.I for the ideal and unremitting efforts!

First ,a leader is a designer who ought to create the best environment and conditions for himself to display his talent.As a result he should have a forecasting and developmental vision.Then he is a server who can serve other people with soul and heart.To accomplish this task,elflessness is necessary.Third,he is a teacher who can teach people technology and creativity spirit in order to benifit them.So he should have strong keenness and selfless spirit.
I want to be a leader who have not only unwaving courage and a stong sense of justice but also firm determination and selfless spirit,a leader with charming personality ,responsibility,cooperation spirit and decisive character.I shall fight for this goal unremittingly!

Leaders first is a designer, create the best environment and conditions for his talent. And he should have forecast and developmental vision. Secondly, he is a server, and serve the humanness is profi...


Leaders first is a designer, create the best environment and conditions for his talent. And he should have forecast and developmental vision. Secondly, he is a server, and serve the humanness is profit. Then he should have selflessness and selfless character. Moreover, he should be a initiator,who taught in others for the technology, innovation , let them to get benefit. Finally he should have stronger keenness and selfless spirit.
I want to be a leader,with unwavering courage, strong sense of justice, strong determination, selfless dedication, charming personality, responsibility, rich cooperation spirit, have decisive decision-making power. I will do all my effort for the ideal.


The leader firstly is a designer,creating the best environment and conditions to display the talent. Secondly, he is a server,serve the people wholeheartedly. Then he should...


The leader firstly is a designer,creating the best environment and conditions to display the talent. Secondly, he is a server,serve the people wholeheartedly. Then he should have selflessness and selfless quality. Again he should be a disseminator,who dispread the technology and innovation to others, let them be benefiting. Then he should have stronger keenness and selfless spirit.
I want to be an leader who has the unwavering courage, the strong sense of justice, strong determination ,selfless dedication and charming personality,and dare to take the responsibility,has cooperation spirit and decisive decision-making power. I will make unremitting effort for this ideal.


领导者首先是一个设计师,为自己创造发挥自己才能的最好的环境和条件.那么他应该具有预测性和发展性的眼光.其次他是一个服务者,全心全意为人谋利.那么他应该具有忘我的精神和无私的 设计师如何发挥自身长处! 求问如何为自己创造一个积极的环境? 英语翻译任何人不管是生存还是创造,都是主观为自我,客观为别人.就像太阳发光,首先是自己生存运动的必然现象,照耀万物,不过是它派生的一种客观意义而已. 是谁首先提出称邓小平为中国改革开放的总设计师 苏州园林的面积不大但却创造出无穷的精致设计师是怎样做到这点 东汉黄巾起义领导者是? 战后南斯拉夫领导者是 一个自造才、英语单词的读音我自己创造的单词,用英语怎么读casin 机会是自己创造的! 柠檬树有什么特殊的意义柠檬树是一个社团的名称,全名是“柠檬树助学社”大家可以发挥想象!创造一个勤工助学的美丽故事! 创造首先是一种思维的创造,设计应用在创造性思维的培养上应注重哪些方面? 学无止境的好作文,急要求:首先要写出自己的观点——你对学无止境是怎样认识的,然后举几个例子.题目自拟或为“学无止境”.字数400字左右 如何理解设计师与客户的利益是一个共同体? 我要一个关于春雨的诗句 必须自己创造就是自己想象的 不需太多 小散文也行 主要是自己创造! “奇迹是执著创造的为什吗举一个列子 ●如何自信:首先要热爱生活,这是自信的动力源.要正确看待自己.寻找自己长处.然后,让自己的长处得以发挥.这是最基本的获得自信的条件.获得自信,要先获得满足感,让... 用发组词()创造 除了发挥,