
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 12:59:50


Overused Skill
Might have some trouble concentrating on the here and now;may leave others behind when he/she speculates on the broad view of an issue;may not set practical priorities;may always be reaching for too much and/or the ideal;may see connections that aren't there.

Is narrow and parochial;has narrow views of issues and challenges;uses only one or a few lenses to view problems and opportunities;doesn't have far-ranging interests,not well-read;background may be narrow;isn't good at running "what if" scenarios;lacks interest in maybes and the future and how world events do and will affect his/her organization;won't be a good strategist or visionary;a here-and-now person who is often surprised by unexpected change;may be a single function/profession/technical area/skill person.