根据要求写段英文对话You are introducing Max and Louis to know each other. Then Max and Louis talk about their work and hobbies. Write down the conversation between you three.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:55:08
根据要求写段英文对话You are introducing Max and Louis to know each other. Then Max and Louis talk about their work and hobbies. Write down the conversation between you three.

根据要求写段英文对话You are introducing Max and Louis to know each other. Then Max and Louis talk about their work and hobbies. Write down the conversation between you three.
You are introducing Max and Louis to know each other. Then Max and Louis talk about their work and hobbies. Write down the conversation between you three.

根据要求写段英文对话You are introducing Max and Louis to know each other. Then Max and Louis talk about their work and hobbies. Write down the conversation between you three.
Me:Hi Louis,let me indroduce a friend to you .
Louis :Oh thanks and i would love to .
Me :Hi Max ,this is Louis from San Francisco and he is our new co-work in marketing department .
Max :Hi Louis ,I m Max amd nice to meet you (shaking hands)
Louis:nice to me your too Max (shaking hands)
Me :Louis ,Max is the captain of our foodball team in our company .
Louis:oh really !great !i love watching football but i do not play it well !
Max :I also love dancing and singing .
Louis :Wow I love singing too ,and I like Justin Timberlake a lot and I can sing some songs from him .(singing .)
Max :Oh yes I like this song a lot too !
Louis :Hey by the way what is your work in marketing
Max:I m basically dealing with collecting the feedbacks for our new products from customers,and reporting it to my superior,and yours
Louis :I m going to do some reseaches about the potential needs of our customers,and I think we will have some cooperations in the future .
Max :Yes ,I think it would be wonderful .
Me :Hey Max and Louis reception is going to begin .
` ..

根据要求写段英文对话You are introducing Max and Louis to know each other. Then Max and Louis talk about their work and hobbies. Write down the conversation between you three. 根据要求写一段英文对话(至少8句,多了不限)这是要求:Where:in line at the school dining roomWho:you and a boy you`ve never seen beforeWhat:you`ve been wating for ten minutes. 帮忙写一个英文小作文,感谢信(Letters of Thanks)根据这段要求写:Your supplier,Mr.Harry Johns,invited you to dinner last night.Now you are going to write a letter to expiess thanks for his hospitality and tell him that you value 英语,根据要求写对话Situation1You are blind.You want to visit a friend who lives on the other side of town.You have to go there by bus and you must change buses once. 用When you are in the school library.这句话来写对话 请根据下文的英语提示写英语对话You are at a movie and you can't stand the violence.Try to convince your partner to leave the movie because you don't like it.要求:写一篇2~3人的英语对话,不得少于十句.注意:截止日 In your dearm,hope have me.You are my alone!这段英文的意思是什么 以What do you think is a good heaet 段对话 那个大哥大姐 打错了 是 What do you think is a good heart 写对话 并根据对话提2个问题 根据括号内的要求写—段树叶与阳光的对话树(感激地(运用排比手法)阳光(谦逊地)(运用比喻的手法) what are you going to do in this summer?根据题目用英文写短文.不用太长,4,5句就好.最好有意思。 根据对话的大意,把句子补充完整.Jiamin,come here!( ).(. )are these in the bag?Some clothes.Oh,they are beautiful .Yes,( )you like them?( ) ( ).( )the cloth 根据对话内容补充对话,要求通顺.注意文章中的标点符号!(Sandra=S Gina =G)S:Hi,Gina G:Hi ,Sandra!1.____________ it going?S:I'm in France.I am calling to see how you are.G:Oh,thanksS:How's it going?G:pretty good!I am just doing my 根据要求写一篇英文作文. 英语口语对话 面试场景Imagine you are in a job interview. Try to introduce yourself in an impressive way to the prospective employer.要求:10个来回以上 时间在3-4分钟 谢谢!要求是一个对话形式的, Are you in the ( ) class?Yes,( ) ( ).填单词,完成对话. Why are you so interested in trees?完成对话 初一英语根据对话情景补全对话根据对话情景,选择合适的句子补全对话,使对话完整,通顺.A:Hello!This is Kate.B:Hi,Kate!_____Where are you now?A:______.B:Really? How's it going?A:_____People in Shanghai are frie Hey,John!It's late.Why are you still in b_____?You must get ready for school.根据字母提示完成对话.