英语翻译1 English writing is to use have mastered the internalization of language knowledge and the expression method,through the creation of the thinking to attain the output,so the role of English language thinking ability in English writing is

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 10:17:40
英语翻译1 English writing is to use have mastered the internalization of language knowledge and the expression method,through the creation of the thinking to attain the output,so the role of English language thinking ability in English writing is

英语翻译1 English writing is to use have mastered the internalization of language knowledge and the expression method,through the creation of the thinking to attain the output,so the role of English language thinking ability in English writing is
1 English writing is to use have mastered the internalization of language knowledge and the expression method,through the creation of the thinking to attain the output,so the role of English language thinking ability in English writing is obvious.2 however English have many advantages such as through Englishwriting,the language point can graduallystrengthen which to benefit theEnglish skill gain the development in many ways.这两句怎么翻译啊

英语翻译1 English writing is to use have mastered the internalization of language knowledge and the expression method,through the creation of the thinking to attain the output,so the role of English language thinking ability in English writing is




昨天结束篮球训练之后,我一边开车回家一边听收音机。从播音员的情绪我可以猜到肯定有什么不好的事情发生。有一架飞机失事了,更悲剧的是,Bob Collins,那个晨间播音员,也丧生于这次事故。在我开车的这40分钟里,听众纷纷来电述说他的真爱和影响。越是听到人们如何诉说BC对身边人的影响,我越是觉得沮丧。因为我想知道为什么我们的文化,总是要等到人去世之后才明白这个人对我们的意义?为什么我们要等到这么迟,...


昨天结束篮球训练之后,我一边开车回家一边听收音机。从播音员的情绪我可以猜到肯定有什么不好的事情发生。有一架飞机失事了,更悲剧的是,Bob Collins,那个晨间播音员,也丧生于这次事故。在我开车的这40分钟里,听众纷纷来电述说他的真爱和影响。越是听到人们如何诉说BC对身边人的影响,我越是觉得沮丧。因为我想知道为什么我们的文化,总是要等到人去世之后才明白这个人对我们的意义?为什么我们要等到这么迟,人都死了才来捧高他?是的,在回忆某些人的好处之后分享回忆可以减轻我们对失去特别的人的感伤,但既然我们深深地记得这个人,我们的话语却已经传不到最该听到的人耳朵里。就一次,相比起对死的缅怀,我更希望看到对生的庆贺,故事被诉说,饱含热泪,和笑声;当主持人讲完对他或她的爱的颂词,大家纷纷从椅子上站起来,去紧紧地拥抱他们!不能吗?那是多么有意义!生命是如此短暂,短暂到好话来不及被说出来。我多么希望,当葬礼终究来临,我们可以在充分知道人们对他们活着的时候的赞誉的情况下说再见。
