SAT作文被判雷同,如想取消成绩,需要向ETS提供充分理由吗?雷同信原文:If you do not wish the Board of Review to consider this matter,and would like ETS to cancel your scores and send you a voucher that can be used for registeri

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 13:35:56
SAT作文被判雷同,如想取消成绩,需要向ETS提供充分理由吗?雷同信原文:If you do not wish the Board of Review to consider this matter,and would like ETS to cancel your scores and send you a voucher that can be used for registeri

SAT作文被判雷同,如想取消成绩,需要向ETS提供充分理由吗?雷同信原文:If you do not wish the Board of Review to consider this matter,and would like ETS to cancel your scores and send you a voucher that can be used for registeri
If you do not wish the Board of Review to consider this matter,and would like ETS to cancel your scores and send you a voucher that can be used for registering for a future test,you must tell us by September 8,2011.If any single Board of Review member decides that there is not substantial evidence supporting cancellation of your scores,ETS will clear your scores and report them to the institutions your designated.
看意思是说能不能cancel也要有substantial evidence.如果不能取消的话,这次成绩和涉嫌抄袭也会被申请的学校看到吗?还没有送分,也准备重考,只担心会不会留下记录.先行谢过.

SAT作文被判雷同,如想取消成绩,需要向ETS提供充分理由吗?雷同信原文:If you do not wish the Board of Review to consider this matter,and would like ETS to cancel your scores and send you a voucher that can be used for registeri

SAT作文被判雷同,如想取消成绩,需要向ETS提供充分理由吗?雷同信原文:If you do not wish the Board of Review to consider this matter,and would like ETS to cancel your scores and send you a voucher that can be used for registeri 英语四级成绩出来后 判雷同卷还会取消成绩吗? SAT成绩有多大可能性被取消 如何取消SAT成绩 sat取消成绩 怎样知道 sat跨区做题被报告给collegeboard成绩会不会被取消? sat跨区被report 取消成绩的可能性有好大?我是12月5日考的 RP太差被REPORT了 我就是怕成绩被取消 我想向CB争取保住成绩 是现在就开始申诉呢 还是 等发现成绩取消了开始?成绩取消的可能性有多 数学大题有雷同么?如果是是全部零分么?我的数学大题和前面的有3题 基本一样 会不会被判雷同?如果是我是不是取消所有成绩呢?请帮我认真回答!谢谢`很急的!@! SAT取消成绩表格怎样填写 英语四级会不会被判雷同我和两个同学在一个考场,选择题和听力填空基本一样,翻译句子和作文不一样.这样会不会判雷同?判雷同尼古丁标准是什么啊? GRE作文当中使用什么样例子会判为雷同?有些例子很容易判为雷同. sat成绩两个月后相差400分会被delay吗?delay 多长时间?会不会被取消成绩? 四六级听力前后完全一样,会不会被判雷同 被判定为四级雷同卷该怎么办? SAT 阅读满分会被怀疑作弊吗?我的成绩被Delay了!会被取消或重考吗? 2013.10SAT成绩都出来了吗?为什么我的还是not yet available?会被取消吗?谢谢! SAT 成绩取消的问题我刚刚传真了取消SAT成绩的表格,但是CB上有说一句;fax label:attention SAT scores cancellation.这是什么啊? GRE作文雷同问题觉得GRE阅读文章里的有些例子就可以用在作文里,想问下如果我把GRE阅读文章给化简成作文的事例会不会很容易被判雷同?