
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 13:07:19


Located in the hometown of lu xun's mouth TaiMen west ZhouGuXin lane.1881 September 25th lu xun was born here,have been living to 18 to nanjing,after studying at home to live here is basically.The new house is for TaiMen clustering and family.Here is the gate of the original six fan black paint doors,reconstruction of bamboo had ceased to exist.The new house is TaiMen jiangnan unique that deep curtilage courtyard,it is TaiMen old ShiZu ZhouXiong accounted for (8) in the qing dynasty nach - 1821 jiaqing period of building,purchase TaiMen bridge built there.A room where lu xun once GaoZu moved to new TaiMen,continuous lineage,to qing dynasty xuantong period,guangxu,whole room family gradually fading zhou.In 1918,the people of the buildings along with GongYi herb vegetated sold ZhuXing east.After the house to the house,LuXunGu,but most down reconstruction of main part where help preserve.After the liberation,people's government has been restored,many times for refitting bounce back,the original furniture also find it most,and display.Lu xun's covers 4,000 square meters,sits,brick houses,as many as 100.In a small courtyard and hall,the hall is five north every light,for building houses,lu xun early,was born in west tip between downstairs.Lu xun is a room upstairs east of bridal chamber with Juan.Lu xun's mother is LuRui downstairs and grandmother obstructing the room.Farther north,lu xun's kitchen is in the understanding ZhangYun water (i.e.RunTu).The herb is behind the two parts,the size,the area of 2000 square meters,lu xun is wrote prose materials from the herb to sanwei bookroom ".
  鲁迅故里位于都昌坊口周家新台门西首.1881年9月25日鲁迅就出生在这里,一直生活到18岁去南京求学,以后回故乡任教也基本上居住此地.新台门是周家多年聚族而居的地方.这里原有的正中大门是六扇黑漆竹门,改建后已不复存在.新台门整座屋宇是江南特有的那种深宅大院,它是老台门八世祖周熊占 ( 1742―1821)在清朝嘉庆年间购地兴建的,同时建造的还有过桥台门.鲁迅曾高祖一房移居新台门,世系绵延,到了清光绪、宣统年间,整个周氏房族逐渐衰落.1918年,经族人共议将这群屋宇连同屋后的百草园卖给了东邻朱姓.房屋易主后,原屋大部分拆掉重建,但鲁迅家居住的地方主要部分幸得保存.解放以后,人民政府多次拨款整修,已经恢复旧观,原来的家俱也多数找回,并按原样陈列.鲁迅故居占地4000平方米,坐北朝南,砖木结构,房舍多达百间.进门有小天井和厅堂,厅堂北面隔天井是5间楼房,为鲁迅早年的住处,鲁迅诞生于西梢间楼下.楼上东面一间是鲁迅与朱安的新房.楼下有鲁迅母亲鲁瑞及祖母蒋氏的房间.再往北是灶间,鲁迅在此认识章运水(即闰土).最后面即为百草园,分大小园两部分,面积2000平方米,鲁迅以此为素材写下了散文《从百草园到三味书屋》.