look up与look at 的区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:27:03
look up与look at 的区别

look up与look at 的区别
look up与look at 的区别

look up与look at 的区别
look at sth 1. to examine sth(closely) ---(彻底)检查 例句:My tooth aches.I think a dentist should look at it. 2. to think about or study sth----考虑,研究 例句:The government is looking at ways of reducing the rising of price. 3. to read sth ---读,阅读 例句:Could i look at the newspaper ? 4. to consider sth ---认为,看待 例句:Different nationalities look at life differently. look up 1.to rasie your eyes---仰视,抬头望 例句:She looked up and smiled. 2.to improve---改善,好转 例句:Business is looking up.