
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:24:09


Unit 13 Healthy eating
give advice on 就……提(意见)建议 make suggestions提建议
make a list of 列出一张……单子 have a fever发烧
make up 编(拟定);创设 all the time 一直
be careful with 小心(留神) …… be all right正常;康复
in the future将来 lie down躺下
plenty of大量的 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力糖
Unit 14 Festivals
compare with 与……进行比较 make others happy 使他人幸福快乐
learn about 了解 spend on 在……方面花费
so that 以便 speak for 为……说话
the spirit of ……的精神 commercial activities 商业活动
by giving away 以放弃……的方式 have got to 必须
instead of 替代 get out of the car 下车
get off 下车 take off one's hat 摘下礼帽
look into the eyes 直视(某人的)眼睛 shake hands with sb. 与某人握手
make friends with 与……交朋友 the living and the dead 生者和死者
the cycle of life 生命周期 play tricks on sb. 捉弄某人
Unit15 The necklace
fall asleep 人睡;睡着 a dark night in April 四月的一个黑夜
a scary place 一个恐怖的地方 create a short play 编一个短剧
on one’s way to school 在某人上学的路上
something unusual happened发生了异常的事
another normal day 又一个普通的日子 walk towards sb. 朝某人走去
don’t look very well看上去气色不好 look older than one’s age看上去比年龄大
ten years of hard work 十年的辛劳 only a small cold room to live in只有寒舍一间
for the past ten years 在过去的十年里 in a government office在一下政府部门
accept an invitation接受邀请 after all 毕竟
a man with a lot of money 有钱人 continue to do sth.继续做某事
cal on访问;拜访 bring out 取出;拿出
a lovely diamond necklace可爱的钻石项链 try it on试戴
look wonderful on sb. 戴在某人身上看上去很美
the last moment of happiness最后的快乐时光
look down 低头看 rush back to the palace 猛地跑回宫殿
without luck不幸运,不凑巧 day and night 日日夜夜
pay off 还清 write a scene写一个场景
precious stone钻石 take up several jobs找几份工作
wear a new ring 戴新戒指 animal products 动物制品
play different roles扮演不同的角色 lines written like a dialogue写得像对话的台词
of one’s own某人自己的 come up with a very good story编成很好的故事
give it a try试一试 take sb. for a ride带某人去兜风
a thousand years from now从现在起一千年 be scared 害怕
do the same with照……做 rehearse a play排练话剧
Unit 16 Scientist at work
in one’s opinion 在某人看来 a waste of … (某方面)的浪费
make use of 利用 be famous for … 因……而闻名
all over 遍及 make discoveries 发现
a number of 一些 a great deal of 大量;许多
fasten (tie)… to …把……扎(捆)到……上面 take care 留神;小心
protect… from …保护……免受损害 stop…from doing… 阻止……不……
tear down 拆掉 be in tears 含着泪花
end in 以……告终;结束 such as 如;例如
at least 至少;起码 find out 查清楚;弄明白
go against 与……对抗 be made up of 由……组成.
Unit 17 Famous women
in high position 地位很高 the South Pole南极
the North Pole北极 polar bear北极熊
at the opposite end of 在……对面 pull one’s sled 拉雪橇
be about do (do ) 正要(做) be just around the corner 就在附近,即将来临 fall into 掉入 in good health 健康状况良好
stand on one’s left leg 用左腿独立站好 solo travel独自旅行
blow away 吹跑;刮走 knock sb. over. 把某人撞倒
refer to 所指;参考 rise to fame 名声大振
the host of a talk show脱口秀主持人 so far 到目前为止
in history 在历史上 fight for chances 设法寻找机会
best of luck to you 祝你好运 without a strong plan 没有详细的计划always be the very best 总是做到最好share with与……分享
Unit 18 New Zealand
lie to 位于…… be made up of 由……组成
be surrounded by 被……环绕 be famous for 因……闻名
such as 例如 take possession of 拥有……
refer to 参考;所指 in relation to 与……有关
be marked with 标有……记号 compare…to…把……比作
stand for 代表 make up 占据空间
plenty of 大量;许多 be native to 原产于……
be careful in (在某方面)仔细 prepare for … 为……作准备
Unit 19 Modern agriculture
make a decision做决定 over time 长期以来
bring in 引进 be harmful to对有伤害
be friendly to对友好 as well as 也;还
depend on依靠 be short of缺少;不足
a variety of种种 instead of代替
go against 违背 year after year 一年又一年
next to 隔壁;紧挨 pass on向下传
from generation to generation 一代又一代 at sunset 在太阳落山时
Unit 20 Hurmour
tongue twister 绕口令 a couple of 两三个
make fun of 取笑,嘲笑 date back to 回溯至
make use of 利用某事物(某人) be on good terms with sb. 与某人关系好
look on…as 把…看作 drive off 把车开走,赶走,击退
act a role of 扮演…的角色 roar with laughter 大笑
act out small sketches 演小品 in the other direction 在另一方向
knock sb. off 把…撞下来 a flow of 连续不断的某事物
have sth. in common with 与…有相同之处 play with 玩…
even if 即使,纵然 act as 扮演 act out 演出来
Unit 21 Body language
get through 通过,接通 tear down 拆毁
ask for 向……要 help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做…… thanks for 感谢…… feel down闷闷不乐
express one’s thoughts and opinions 表达某人的思想和意见
communicate with与……交际 learn about 打听…… spoken language 口语 make a circle 成一圈
from culture to culture 从一种文化到另一种文化 index finger 食指
shake one’s head 摇头 be used to do 被用来做……



时间:2004-12-15 19:21:29 来源:一路上有我 作者:cmx 阅读358次





时间:2004-12-15 19:21:29 来源:一路上有我 作者:cmx 阅读358次

1. To learn English well _____ a lot of time and energy.
A. calls in B. calls on C. calls at D. calls for
2. It’s not easy to _____ old habits.
A. break out B. break into C. break away D. break away from
3. I simply could not understand how it _____ that you did so much work within such a short time.
A. came about B. came up C. came back D. came along
4. Last month Joan _____ her bike and hurt her leg.
A. fell down B. fell off C. felt off D. fell away
5. I’ll be home late, but please don’t _____ for me.
A. stay at B. stay out C. stay up D. stay in
6. Our life is _____ happiness and trouble.
A. made into B. made at C. made from D. made up of
7. About 200 people _____ the competition.
A. joined to B. joined in C. joined with D. joined up
8. I’d like to buy a new tie to _____ my coat.
A. go with B. go on with C. get with D. get on with
9. --- How much has the company _____ this year? --- More than $80 million.
A. brought about B. brought up C. brought in D. brought over
10. Although the picture _____ too much space, they still decided to keep it on the wall forever.
A. took up B. took over C. took place D. took on
11. Mrs Smith _____ her friend’s number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.
A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up
12. People in the far away mountain village cannot _____ the programme.
A. take down B. put away C. pick up D. get along
13. Mei Ge, did you _____ the price for the IBM 486?
A. look out B. find out C. take out D. get out
14. In order to run a country well, the government should _____ the prices in the market and further keep them stable.
A. bring down B. bring about C. cut off D. take down

15. You’re not allowed to ____ notices on the wall without special permission.(特许)
A. hurry up B. send up C. put up D. look up
16. Children have to learn to _____ their letters.
A. join up B. look up C. set up D. pick up
17. You can’t expect me to _____ anything else at this very moment.
A. think over B. think of C. make fun D. think out
18. She disappeared and has never been _____ since.
A. looked after B. heard in C. looked D. heard of
19. I am sure that this kind of hard, clear stone can _____ jewellery.
A. made of B. be made from C. be made into D. be made in
20. Jane never _____ her best dishes even when guests arrive.
A. takes up B. brings out C. breaks down D. falls over
21. _____ your right hand and you can ask me questions.
A. Hold up B. Dress up C. Hold on D. Hurry up
22. _____ the name as the people come in, so that we can all hear.
A. Read out B. Try out C. Sell out D. Wear out
23. There was no answer to my knock, so I _____ .
A. get on B. went away C. sent away D. went up
24. Many people who enjoy fast sports are _____ excitement.
A. looking up B. looking for C. looking after D. looking over
25. A new school was _____ in the fishing village last year.
A. stood up B. set up C. held up D. brought up
26. He often _____ my mistake and shortcomings.
A. points at B. point out C. points to D. points out
27. The price has _____ because there are few of them in the market.
A. brought up B. gone over C. brought down D. gone up
28. He is a stranger. He doesn’t _____ anybody else well in the office.
A. get on B. get along with C. get ready D. get off
29. They made _____ me when I spoke English in a wrong way, so I was angry.
A. of B. a recorder C. a plan for D. fun of
30. A terrible fire _____ during the night.
A. broke up B. broke out C. broke away D. broke in


1.to get on : (to enter, board)
【说明:】to get on(搭乘,上车)
【例:】(1) I always get on the b...


1.to get on : (to enter, board)
【说明:】to get on(搭乘,上车)
【例:】(1) I always get on the bus at 34th Street.我总是在34街搭乘公共汽车。
(2) William gets on the subway at the same station every morning.
2.to get off : (to leave, descend from)
【说明:】to get off (下车)与上面的get on相反。Get off也有好些其它的意义,如寄出,离开等。下车也可以用alight from或get out of a carriage或motor car, 不过下电车或公共汽车多用get off .
【例:】(1) Helen got off the bus at 42nd Street.海伦在42街下公共汽车。
(2) At what station do you usually get off the subway?你通常在那一站下地下火车?
3.to put on: (to place on oneself-said particularly of clothes)
【说明:】to put on
(穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的:I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是
①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white,
②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。)
(1) Mary put on her hat and left the room.玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子。
(2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat?


1. up
1) 向上(toward or into a higher position)
lift ~ 举起 climb ~ 爬上 come ~ 上升 get ~ 起来 stand ~ 站起来 pick ~ 检起 draw ~ 升起
grow ~ 长大 hand ~ 拖起 put ~ 举起 send ~ 使上升 rise ~ 升起 look ~ 抬起头 zip ~ 拉上...


1. up
1) 向上(toward or into a higher position)
lift ~ 举起 climb ~ 爬上 come ~ 上升 get ~ 起来 stand ~ 站起来 pick ~ 检起 draw ~ 升起
grow ~ 长大 hand ~ 拖起 put ~ 举起 send ~ 使上升 rise ~ 升起 look ~ 抬起头 zip ~ 拉上
hold ~ 举起 pile ~ 堆起 dig ~ 挖出 take ~ 拿起 build ~ 树立 set ~ 建立
2) 完成,结束(expressing completeness and finality)
finish ~ 完成 drink ~ 喝干 eat ~ 吃光 burn ~ 烧光 wash ~ 洗净 use ~ 用光 fill ~ 装满
pay ~ 付清 settle ~ 解决 lick ~ 甜净 sum ~ 总结, open ~ 透露 end ~ 结束 let ~ 中止, 减少
draw ~ 停止 close ~ 停止,关闭 swallow ~ 吞没 beat ~ 痛打 cover ~ 掩盖 break ~ 结束,分解
wind ~ 结束
3) 离开,消灭(expressing separation and destroy)
break ~ 拆开,驱散cut ~ 切碎 split ~ 分裂 divide ~ 分割 smash ~ 捣毁 blow ~ 炸毁 wither ~ 枯死
tear ~ 撕碎 give ~ 放弃 fold ~ 垮台 dry ~ 枯竭,干涸crack ~ 撞坏 clutter ~ 使散乱 litter ~ 乱丢杂物

4) 增加,变强(to a state of greater activity, force, strength, power and degree.
(1). mount ~ 增加pick ~ 振作,加快pluck ~ 振作 turn ~ 开打,开大, 出现 shake ~ 震惊 steam ~ 使发怒
stir ~ 激起,搅起ease ~ 放松 warm ~ 兴奋 speak ~ 大声说 heat ~ 变热 total ~ 加总 tense ~ 紧张
gather ~ 收集 speed ~ 加速 screw ~ 振作 build ~ 增大 show ~ 显现 cheer ~ 振作起来stir ~ 刺激
work ~ 激动,刺激
(2). 用在带"-en"后缀的动词后(used after the verbs with suffix of -en)
brighten ~ 发亮 fatten ~ 发胖 freshen ~使新鲜 harden ~变硬 sharpen ~ 变快 smarten ~ 变精明
strengthen ~ 加强sweeten ~ 变甜 tighten ~ 使紧密 toughen ~ 使强壮soften ~ 变软
5). 变好,改善( as to be better and proper)bring ~ 抚育 check ~ 核对 clear ~ 清理,晴天clean ~ 整理
do ~ 整理 patch ~ 修理 polish ~ 擦亮, 改进light ~ 点亮 tune ~ 调整 tidy ~ 整理 rub ~ 擦亮
train ~ 训练,培养 make ~ 化装, 和解, 弥补buy ~ 囤积 figure ~ 计算 fix ~ 修理,整理 take ~ 从事
6) 关住,锁紧,固定住(firmly, tightly and closely)
shut ~ 关闭 lock ~ 锁住 tie ~ 栓住 chain ~ 锁住 nail ~ 钉住 fasten ~ 系住 pin ~ 钉住 bind ~ 装订
bar ~ 关住 block ~ 堵塞 choke ~ 堵塞 save ~ 存起来 store ~ 贮藏 stock ~ 储存 cover ~ 掩盖 wrap ~ 包住
lay ~ 储存 hold ~ 延误 keep ~ 坚持
7) 向说话人的方向(to the place where the speaker is)
go ~ run ~ rush ~ drive ~ walk ~ catch ~ swim ~ march ~ come ~
2. down
1) 向下的位置(to or into a lower position)
cast ~ 扔下 cut ~砍倒 get ~ 下来 hand ~ 传下来 knock ~ 撞倒 lay ~ 放下 let ~ 放下 pour ~ 倾盆而下
pull ~ 拉下 set ~ 放下 sit ~ 坐下 step ~ 走下来 throw ~ 扔下 turn ~ 拆下 take ~ 取下 blow ~ 吹倒
bring ~ 打倒 hang ~ 垂下 sink ~ 沉落 slip ~ 失足 squat ~ 蹲下 swallow ~ 吞下 stoop ~ 伏身
splash ~ 飞溅而下 touch ~ 降落 bend ~ 弯下 bow ~ 鞠躬 kneel ~ 跪下 lie ~ 躺下 strip ~ 脱下
2) 减少(强度,量和体积)(a decrease in intensity, amount, bulk)
dwindle ~ 减少 die ~ 变弱,逐渐停止go ~ 平静下来 mark ~ 削减 hold ~ 压低 burn ~ (火)减弱, 烧坏
slow ~ 慢下来 burn ~ 烧掉 wash ~ 冲淡 clean ~ 弄干净 rub ~ 擦干净 bring ~ 降低 keep ~ 缩减
trim ~ 裁减 water ~ 冲淡 thin ~ 减少 run ~ 用光衰弱 wear ~ 削减,磨损come ~ 下跌 knock ~ 降价
3) 停止,减弱(to a state of less activity, force, strength and power)
close ~ 关闭 drop ~ 突然停止 break ~ 坏了,中止run ~ 停止 settle ~ 平静下来 cool ~ 冷静下来
turn ~ 拒绝 die ~ 停止 lay ~ 失望 put ~ 镇压 4) 紧紧地,牢牢地(firmly, tightly) fasten ~ 系牢
chain ~ 链住,栓住clamp ~ 夹住 nail ~ 钉住 pin ~ 扣牢 hammer ~ 钉上 tie ~ 栓住 bind ~ 捆绑
draw ~ 停下来 5) 写下,记下(on paper or in writing) write ~ 写下 copy ~ 抄下 note ~ 记下
take ~ 记下 put ~ 记下 get ~ 记下 have ~ 写下

3 on 1) 继续(continuously)
carry ~ drive ~ fight ~ hold ~ keep ~ live ~ sleep ~ sing ~ walk ~ go ~ hurry ~ move ~
read ~ follow ~ struggle ~ insist ~ 坚持
2) 连上,固定住,(in or into a state of being connected)
act ~ 对…起作用catch ~ 抓牢 come ~ 跟随 count ~ 依赖 draw ~ 带上,穿上fasten ~ 纠缠,抓牢
fit ~ 固定 get ~ 接近 paste ~ 粘住 turn ~ 打开 switch ~ 打开 pin ~ 钉住 put ~ 穿上 try ~ 试穿
pull ~ 穿上 hang ~ 不挂断 build ~ 建立于 leave ~ 留住 take ~ 穿下 rely ~ 依靠 depend ~ 依靠
3) 向前,向上(forward, onward)
add ~ 加上 mark ~ 标上 paint ~ 漆上 press ~ 向前 pass ~ 传递 send ~ 转送 stamp ~ 盖章于
get ~ 上车 hand ~ 传送

4) 开始某活动(in or into an active operation)
work ~ 从事 fall ~ 攻击 hit ~ 突然向起 bring ~ 引起 get ~ 取得进展 look ~ 旁观, 观看call ~ 拜访
figure ~ 打算,希望 fix ~ 决心 get ~ 进步, 友好相处pick ~ 批评 plan ~ 打算 decide ~ 决定
reflect ~ 思考, 反思remark ~ 评论,议论settle ~ 决定 spur ~ 鼓励 urge ~ 督促
4. off
1) 离开(indicating departure)blow ~ 吹掉 drive ~ 击退 get ~ 下车,动身lift ~ 离开地面 make ~ 逃走
move ~ 离去 pack ~ 打发走 see ~ 送行 ship ~ 运往 start ~ 动身 send ~ 送行,解雇call ~ 叫走
let ~ 放出 take ~ 起飞 touch ~ 发射 give ~ 发出 clear ~ 走开 carry ~ 夺走
2) 去掉,断开(indicating removal or disconnection)
cut ~ 切断 tear ~ 扯掉 take ~ 拿走 chip ~ 切下 come ~ 脱落 cross ~ 除去 drop ~ 跌落 fall ~ 脱落
flick ~ 弹掉 peel ~ 剥掉 pull ~ 撕开 rub ~ 擦掉 scrape ~ 挂去 shave ~ 剃去 wash ~ 洗掉
shake ~ 抖落 throw ~ 扔开 rip ~ 扯开 turn ~ 关掉 strip ~ 脱去 switch ~ 关掉 take ~ 脱掉
shut ~ 关掉 wear ~ 磨损 go ~ 爆炸 break ~ 中断
3) 完成,停止(indicating completion)
finish ~ 结束 pay ~ 付清 break ~ 停止,中断send ~ 结束 leave ~ 停止 pass ~ 终止,停止
sign ~ 停止播音 wear ~ 消失, write ~ 注销,购销bring ~ 完成 call ~ 取消 lay ~ 停止, 解雇
4) 着地(down to the ground)
fall ~ 落下 jump ~ 跳下 knock ~ 击倒 slip ~ 滑倒

5. in
1) 进入,向里(into, inside, indoors)
barge ~ 闯入 beat ~ 打进 break ~ 闯入,插嘴breathe ~ 吸入 burst ~ 闯入,打断drop ~ 偶然拜访
fall ~ 跌入 get ~ 插入,收进 knock ~ 打入 lead ~ 导入 let ~ 进入,嵌入 move ~ 迁入 step ~ 走进
settle ~ 迁入 smuggle ~ 偷偷运进cut ~ 插嘴 call ~ 来访 draw ~ (火车)进站intervene ~ 介入
involve ~ 卷入
2) 包围,关闭(to be surrounded, or enclosed)
close ~ 包围,封闭lock ~ 禁闭 shut ~ 关进 wall ~ 围住
3) 加入,记入(to be added, or included)
book ~ 登记 check ~ 签到 count ~ 记入 fill ~ 填入 hand ~ 交上 take ~ 吸收 send ~ 呈交
6. out
1) 向外(away from the inside, outside)
keep ~ 使在外 take ~ 拿出 put ~ 放出,伸出come ~ 长出, bring ~拿出 bar ~关在外 breathe ~ 呼吸出
eat ~ 出去吃 get ~ 弄出 go ~ 出去 lay ~ 摆开,展示lock ~ 关在外面 look ~ 向外看 move ~ 搬出
point ~指出 pour ~ 诉说 pull ~ 拉出 ship ~ 运出 stick ~伸出 spit ~ 吐出 beat ~ 敲出 knock ~ 敲出
dine ~ 外出吃饭 drive ~ 驾车外出 leak ~ 漏出 draw ~ 拉出 see ~ 送出门去 draw ~ 出站 let ~ 放出, 释放
2) 结束,消失,取消(to or at an end, not to be there or not to exist)
burn ~ 烧尽,烧断clear ~ 清除 dust ~ 清除 fade ~ 消失 put ~ 扑灭 run ~ 用完 use ~ 耗尽
give ~ 耗尽 comb ~ 淘汰 kick ~ 逐出 wipe ~ 消灭 die ~ 灭绝 rub ~ 擦掉 blot ~ 除去
blow ~ 吹熄 bleach ~ 漂白 carry ~ 完成,执行leave ~ 省去 see ~ 完成 go ~ 熄灭
come ~ 罢工,结果cut ~ 删去,停止hold ~ 坚持到底 sell ~ 买完 tire ~ 筋疲力尽 wear ~ 磨损
3) 大声(in a loud voice, aloud)
sing ~ cry ~ shout ~ call ~ ,喊,申斥 spell ~ speak ~ scream ~ read ~ yell ~ sob ~ burst ~ 咆哮
4) 分发,传开(to a number of people or in all directions)
give ~ 分发 spread ~ 传开 set ~ 出发 hand ~ 分发 share ~ 分配 divide ~ 分配 call ~ 出动
start ~ 出发 send ~ 发送 break ~ 爆发,逃脱serve ~ 分发口粮 drop ~ 离开,退出
5) 搞清,弄明白(in or into notice and clearness)
find ~ 找出 figure ~ 算出,解决make ~ 弄清 count ~ 点清 come ~ 出版,出现catch ~ 看出 carry ~ 完成,
bear ~ 证明 bring ~ 发表,说出fill ~ 使完全, 添满write ~ 写出
7. over
1) 向下(downwards from an upright position)
knock ~ 撞倒 turn ~ 翻转 fall ~ 脸朝下跌倒trip ~ 拌倒 bend ~ 伏身 look ~ 从…上面看
2) 自始至终,通过, 重复(from beginning to end, through, again and again)
look ~ 调查 think ~ 考虑 see ~ 查看 run ~ 匆匆看 talk ~ 商量 call ~ 点名 read ~ 读一遍
go ~ 复习 do ~ 重复 glance ~ 浏览 skip ~ 略过 ponder ~ 思考
3) 向上,向外,(indicating motion upwards or outwards)
run ~ 溢出 spill ~ 溢出 boil ~ 因沸溢出 throw ~ 呕吐



agree vi.同意;持相同意见I cannot agree with you on this point.在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。
sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见
sth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人 agree to sb 建议 agree on sth 在某一点上取得一致意见


agree vi.同意;持相同意见I cannot agree with you on this point.在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。
sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见
sth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人 agree to sb 建议 agree on sth 在某一点上取得一致意见
agree up sth 在某一点上取得一致意见 agree to do sth 同意干某事
break vt.打破;损坏;破坏 We should all take a little break before dessert. 吃甜点之前我们大家应该稍微休息一下。 break down 机器坏了=go wrong 身体垮了/终止谈话 11) I had never seen a grown man break down and cry. 我从未曾看到过一个这么强壮的汉子痛哭失声。
break in 闯入,插话 break off 忽然停止讲话/断绝,结束/暂停工作,休息
break out (战争等)爆发;逃出(无被