What's this?用怎么英文回答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:42:43
What's this?用怎么英文回答

What's this?用怎么英文回答
What's this?用怎么英文回答

What's this?用怎么英文回答
“What's this(that)?”是一个特殊疑问句.如果问别人“这(那)是什么东西?”用this或that,两者都是指示代词.this指是近处的人或物,that指远处的人或物.
回答时要用“It's...”.it可根据不同的句子译成“这 / 那 / 它”,有时也可不译.如:
—What's this?这是什么?
—It's an English-Chinese dictionary.它是一本英汉词典.
—What' that?那是什么?
—It's a banana tree.那是一棵香蕉树.

what's this?
this is ...

they are(复数)/it is(单数)

问题补充:开头是“What's the English ?" what's the English of this? how to speak this in english?谢谢采纳

It's a/an some sth