
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:41:25


Cinderella was a lovely girl.Her old mother died.Her father married a wife,and the stepmother has brought two elder sisters.She does a lot of housework everyday.So the girl's clothes were very dirty.Everybody called her Cinderella.The prince gave all the females an invitation,asked them to come in the palace to join the dance party.But Cinderella’s stepmother didn’t let her go.The day of the party arrived.Cinderella met a fairy godmother.She gave Cinderella a coach,two shoots,two horses and a beautiful dress.But magic will stop working at midnight.
Cinderella arrived at the palace and walked into the dance hall.The Prince saw her.He danced only with Cinderella,and he fell in love with her.A clock chiming reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmother's warning.She ran out of the palace.The Prince only found Cinderella’s one glass shoot.The next morning,The Prince proclaimed:Whoever the shoot fits,shall be wife to him.He arrived at the stepmother's house.And Cinderella’s sisters can’t fit the shoot.But she can.Then Cinderella took the other shoot from her pocket and put it on.Finally,the Prince and Cinderella were married.They lived happily ever after.

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