
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 00:31:18


In connect is personal struggling small molecular typical model of the propertied class knowledge,have a complicated mental characteristic,body he pursues the process of fame and wealth insolently ambitiously now in,this process performance for resist-compromise-resist of curve.(concrete the details doesn't say)Although in order to pursue fame and wealth him to take false as creed,also have the sincerity a side of the docile,his heart always self-contradict of,whenever he at the road of utility come forward into,his heart again always Be rebuking his false,make him can't have illicit sexual relation with the person of upper-class society always,this comes to a decision him and resists.Certain degree to say that ising also this kind of character is end to cast into his destruction.End,he introspects thoroughly in the jail,understanding oneself has been pursuing originally a milli- is nonsense,also saw pure thoroughly the first-class person's true facial expression,end he refused to pull the young lady of 莫尔 to rescue,declaring by dead with this false,the society of crime breaks off.
1 pursues an upper-class society life,a wish and get into upper-class society but stop at nothing of person.

Young, handsome, strong-minded, smart and competent, who wants to rely on individual efforts and struggle upper class. Highly ambitious, but good-natured. Noble souls, despise dirty filthy things.

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