
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:58:11

贝尔,虽然你目前不拍荒野求生了,但是我相信你一定会再找到新的合作方的,会继续将你的勇敢展现在镜头前,展现给我们每一个深爱你的贝迷,我从不理会那些说你作假的人,生吃食物你做到了,从大象的粪便里挤水喝你做到了,喝自己的尿液,裸身跳入冰河,从很高处跳入河水中,和野猪搏斗,还有好多我没说到的,相信贝尔在每一个贝迷中都留下了深刻的印象,我不明白那些说贝尔作假的人你们还想要他怎样?不置可否,他背后是有强大的摄制组,但是贝尔拍这个节目的目的就像很多贝迷说的,是教给我们知识,而不是为了一个节目而付出生命的代价,相信大家荒野求生都看了很多,学到的知识也都不少,起码我们有一天真正被困于荒野之中的时候,我们会想起贝尔,会想起贝尔教给我们的那些知识,这总比什么都不会要强很多,贝尔教给我们的其实不仅仅是知识这方面,他所表现出的勇敢,毅力,坚强都是非常值得我们学习的,他那英俊的面貌,迷倒了许多不管是男是女的贝迷,那张脸庞我们总是百看不厌,每当在电视银幕里又见到所喜爱的贝尔,听到他的那句口头禅:我是贝尔格里尔斯的时候,心里便激动万分,既看到了贝尔展现的英勇,他那百变的,似乎教不完的求生技能,又能目睹大自然世界上各个地方的美妙景色,可以说他带给我们的Man vs Wild 真的非常精彩,他的魅力已经深深的印在每一位贝迷的心里,现在贝尔离开探索频道了,但是他肯定是会再次出现在电视上,展现他完美的求生技巧,他自己在FB上也说:大家别担心,很快我将会再喝自己的尿,贝尔那么厉害,不可能找不到新的合作方,探索频道解雇他是探索频道的损失,贝尔,加油!支持你的人很多!作为一个深爱你的贝迷,我想说:贝尔,我爱你,支持你!期待你在电视上再一次亮相!带给我们更精彩的节目!
贝尔的英文是Bear Grylls ,全称贝尔格里尔斯,希望大家好好翻译!

Bear, although you don't do the "Man vs Wild" any more, I believe you will be able to find a new partner to work with, and continue to show your bravery in front of the camera, will appear in front of every Bear fans who loved you. I never take notice of those who were accusing you as a fake. You had done eating raw foods. You drank water, which was squeezed out from elephant's dung. Drank you own urine, jumping into a frozen river, jumping into the river from a very high point, fighting with a wild boar and there were more, which I don't remember them anymore. You gave all your Bear fans an unforgettable impression. I can't believe those who said that Bear was a fake, exactly what else do they want from him? Whether true or not, there were a large number of crew behind the scene. But the aim of Bear making these programs like a lot of Bear fans said, which only taught us some useful knowledge about the wild, and not giving his life for it. I believe a lot of you had watched quite a lot of "Man vs. Wild", and learned something from it. At least one day when we were really got lost in the wilderness then we will think of Bear, and would think of what Bear had taught us. It would be better than we knew nothing about the wilderness at all anyway. Bear didn't just teach us knowledge, but as well as showed us his bravery, perseverance and will power, which were all worth learning for us. His handsome look had also attracted many Bears fans both males and females. I would never get bored watching his face. Every time when I saw my favourite Bear on TV, listening to his usual phrase: How is everyone? This is Bear Grylls time. I would feel rather excited. Not just that I can watch Bear showing his bravery, teaching his endless and ever versatile survival skill, also I would be able to see those beautiful places all over the world. We all can say that what he brought us with his "Man vs Wild" were just really wonderful. His charm is now deeply engraved in every Bear fans' hearts. Bear had left the Discovery Channel but surely he will appear on TV again, to show his perfect surviving skills. He already said in FaceBook: “Don't worry everyone I shall soon drink my own urine again.” With such power skill and abilities, there is no way that Bear can't find any partners to work with. Discovery Channel got rid of him is their loss. Come on Bear, a lot of people are supporting you! As a serious bear fan myself, I would like to say: Bear, I love you, supporting you, and hope that you will appear on TV once more, please bring us even more exciting programs!

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