谁能给我英语8B牛津Unit3词组 可以不要中文

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谁能给我英语8B牛津Unit3词组 可以不要中文

谁能给我英语8B牛津Unit3词组 可以不要中文

谁能给我英语8B牛津Unit3词组 可以不要中文
1.television 缩写 TV TV is short for television .
channel 频道 channel 1 一频道 movie channel 电影频道my favourite channel 我最喜欢的频道 on channel 5 .在5频道channel还可以指运河 the English channel 英吉利海峡
2.design .v .设计 designer n .设计者.设计师 .He is the designer of bridge .He designs this bridge .他设计了这座桥 .
3.program .n .节目;程序;计划TV or radio program电视或收音机节目.computter program 计算机程序
4.all-time adj作定语 有记录以来的 空前的.one of the all-time great tennis players 历来最好的网球键将.an all-time record 空前的记录
5.traveller .n旅行者 .是由ravel +er ------ traveller travel ( v ) travel to china .到中国旅行travel in china 在中国旅行.
6.overview .n 概述.give sb an overview of sth 给某人---概述(大概)
7.main adj main points 要点main meaning 主要意思mainly (adv )mainly revision 总复习
8.character .n 人物 .main character主要人物 ,还有其他意思:(1)性格特征 .her character她的性格 (2)字母符号 Chinese characters汉字
9.Knowledge n知识.学问(不可数) .much knowledge 许多知识 .
10.Surely adv 一定 ,必定 ,当然 certainly 当然 sure .adj He’ll surely find the office .He is sure to find the office .他肯定能找到办公室 .
11.Order .n 订购.He gave his order to the waiter他把他点的东西告诉了服务员.We’ve received an order我们收到一张定单 .n 顺序.in alpha betical order按字母顺序.Put it in the right order .按正确的顺序排列
12.Regard .n致意 .please give regards to your brother请代为向令兄致意 .v把.看作 .We regard our teacher as our friend 我们把我们的老师看作我们的朋友 .
13.Mind .vt 介意.Would you mind opening the window Certainly not 当然不.
14.Look like 看起来象.sound like听起来象 taste like smell like .其中look .sound taste smell 为联系动词,后通常按形容词作表语 .It looks nice / .They sound interesting .
15.Agree .v 同意.refuse .agree to this suggestion / idea 同意 ,建议 / 主意 agree with sb同意某人.I don’t agree with you我不同意你的观点 .
16.Turn on / off 打开/ 关掉(电器电源)turn on / the TV / the radio / the computer / the light打开/ 关掉电视 / 收音机 / 电脑 / 灯.turn up / down提高 ,关小 .turn up the radio 把收音机声音开大 .turn down the TV 把电视机声音关小
17.Be used to do sth ; be used for doing sth 被用来 .the computer is used for sending and receiving messages 电脑用来接受和传递信息.
18.Search for :look for寻找 .The police are searching for the thief 警察正在抓小偷.search sth检查 搜查某物.The police are searching the building 警察组织搜查大楼 .
19.Fall asleep 入睡.He was just falling asleep when there was a knock on the door 他刚刚要入睡这时有人敲门.
20.Sell out 卖完 卖光.We all sell out all our vegetables 我都卖完了所有的蔬菜 .

Unit3 词组
1 不知道have no idea(=I don’t know)
2 看起来像…look like…
3 同意某人agree with sb
4 遥控器remote control
5 打开(电视、电灯)turn on…
6 关掉(电视、电灯)turn off…
7 换频道change the channe...


Unit3 词组
1 不知道have no idea(=I don’t know)
2 看起来像…look like…
3 同意某人agree with sb
4 遥控器remote control
5 打开(电视、电灯)turn on…
6 关掉(电视、电灯)turn off…
7 换频道change the channel
8 写作竞赛writing competition
9 绘画与设计drawing and designing
10 玩游戏play games
11 搜索信息search for information
12 收发电子邮件send and receive e-mails
13 文字处理word processing
14 编写电脑程序write computer programs
15 新的教育光盘a new educational CD-ROM
16 ‘八小时环游地球’‘Around the world in eight hours’
17 发行,问世come out
18 同时at the same time
19 学生最喜爱的光盘的设计者the designer of children’s favourite CD-ROM
20 ‘在线旅行者’‘Online Traveller’
21 主要人物main character
22 一个十三岁的男孩a thirteen-year-old boy
23 躺在草地上lie on the grass
24 看着美丽的蓝天look at the beautiful blue sky
25 睡着了fall asleep
26 做了个奇怪的梦have a strange dream
27 在梦里in the dream
28 一片金色的云a golden cloud
29 得一分get a point
30 载着某人去一个地方carry sb off to a place
31 扮演…角色play the role of…
32 环游世界travel around the world
33 测试你的英语语法知识test your knowledge of English grammar
34 在屏幕上on the screen
35 伦敦博物馆the Museum of London
36 闯过一关pass a level
37 世界地图the map of the world
38 用亮紫色标出来mark in bright purple
39 查明,弄清楚find out
40 卖光,售完sell out
41打份报告type a report
42 点击…click on …
43 把…打印出来print out
44 你要买些什么? Can I help you?/What can I do for you?
45 个人电脑personal computer
46 由…地方制造be made in…
47 考虑…think about…
48 关闭所有窗口close all the windows
49 重新启动计算机restart the computer
50 把…连到…connect…to…
51 把键盘链接到计算机connect the keyboard to the computer
52 双击自动运行图标double-click on the auto-run icon
53 组织活动organize activity
54 6英尺长6 feet long
55 剪断了cut short
56 剪了1英寸头发cut an inch of hair
57 日常英语daily English
58 对…有好处be good for…
59 短时间的澳大利亚的网上旅行short online tours of Australia
60 请求帮助ask for help
61 听人们谈话listen to people talking
62 在收音机上收听一个采访listen to an interview on the radio
63 向…学习…learn …from…
64 在网上订购…order sth online
65 介意做某事mind doing sth
66 游戏的目标the goal of the game
67 打开财宝箱open the treasure box
