5.we were ahead during the first half of the match,but we__in the last ten minutes.A.lost B.have lost C.were losing D.had lost

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 09:56:59
5.we were ahead during the first half of the match,but we__in the last ten minutes.A.lost         B.have lost        C.were losing     D.had lost

5.we were ahead during the first half of the match,but we__in the last ten minutes.A.lost B.have lost C.were losing D.had lost

5.we were ahead during the first half of the match,but we__in the last ten minutes.
A.lost         B.have lost        C.were losing     D.had lost



5.we were ahead during the first half of the match,but we__in the last ten minutes.A.lost B.have lost C.were losing D.had lost
C.:这个下午你为什么不来和我们打网球呢? 这真是个好主意.why not/why don't you的固定回答.
D :some表示一些.你想要更多一些吗?
D :动名词作主语.thinking=they think, 两个句子主语一致,都是many peple,可以去掉第二个句子的主语,变为动名词.
B: so that表示结果,贝蒂省钱为了买mp3. so as 要加to才表示结果.even if 即使 as if 好像,都不符合题意.
D: 两句话构成转折用however.however后面一定要加逗号.
A : for who they are 他们本来的样子,而不是父母想要想要他们成为什么样子.这题不好解释.
A :pay attention后加动词的ing形式.
A :in dress之间不加冠词.in dress of that color.穿那种颜色的衣服.
A: turn to 求助于,求教于,查阅 turn over 翻过来,翻倒;仔细考虑;交,移交
turn on 接通,打开 turn up 出现,到来 要是没有人求助于建议,意译为要是没人提出建议.答案肯定不会错,只是用言语不好说.其他词组不符.

