
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:12:47


要是想让你的语感特好,说实话,看英语报纸是最好的.21St Century,Daily China,都是不错的(个人经验,其他就确实没时间看了).既有时事又是很标准的运用.


1. Life is unfair, you want to adapt it.
2. The world will not take your self-esteem, but for the self-satisfaction before you have success.
3. Just returned from the school come out...


1. Life is unfair, you want to adapt it.
2. The world will not take your self-esteem, but for the self-satisfaction before you have success.
3. Just returned from the school come out when you can not earn 60,000 U.S. dollars a month, but will not become any company vice president, also owned a car until you have won the hand of those that day.
4. If you think school teachers is too harsh, then you have to think back to the boss.
5. Selling hamburger and not detrimental to your dignity. Your grandparents had a different understanding to sell hamburger, they called it "opportunity".
6. If you get into difficulties, it is not the fault of your parents, you should not be the responsibility onto others, and to learn to learn from it.
7. Before you were born, your parents do not like so boring. They look into this today because these years have been for you to pay bills, to your laundry. So, in talking to parents, or whatever cleaning your own house?
8. You may no longer host school hours and poor health themselves, but life is not the case. In some schools had not "fail" concept, the school will continue to give you the opportunity for you to progress, but real life is not like that.
9. Unlike in the life out of school after a semester of the same school hours, nor that the summer. No boss to help you find some self-and you must rely on its own to complete.
10. Many of the scenes on television is not real life. In real life, people must do their buried in his work, not like TV where my daily dwell in the case of coffee Lane.
11. Treat your aversion to the people, because there days you will work for such a person.



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