商务英语用语please sent pro forma with my company details & inv #.please change & resent update PL with prices以上两句话中,“inv",Pls kindly find the attachment of PI译”PI“

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 13:21:39
商务英语用语please sent pro forma with my company details & inv #.please change & resent update PL with prices以上两句话中,“inv

商务英语用语please sent pro forma with my company details & inv #.please change & resent update PL with prices以上两句话中,“inv",Pls kindly find the attachment of PI译”PI“
sent pro forma with my company details & inv #.
change & resent update PL with prices
Pls kindly find the attachment of PI

商务英语用语please sent pro forma with my company details & inv #.please change & resent update PL with prices以上两句话中,“inv",Pls kindly find the attachment of PI译”PI“
inv一般指invoice,费用单或者发票,这个要看具体的情况.PL指product list,那句话的意思就是再发一次有价格更新了的产品价目表.assp是as soon ad possible的简写,是尽快的意思