
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:55:39


Zhuge Liang is an outstanding politician,ideologist and strategist of Shu in the period of the Three Kingdoms.In the course of governing Shu,the sagacious legal thoughts he showed played an important role for the consolidation of the regime and its long and peaceful reign.
He attaches great importance to the promulgation,propaganda and moralization of the law,to make the people to be aware of law;At the same time,he claims to adjust the governing ideology according to the socil development and changes in time .In the enforcement of law,he also claims to criminate criminals according to their criminal circumstances and peccavi attitude,and build up a series of right rewards and punishments notion
,thus acquired great success in managing state affairs according to law.
His legal thoughts have profound referential significanceto our legal system and institutions.We must draw the essence and turn over to think of the deficiency,in order to enable our socialist legal system construction to acquire further development.

Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms period Shu outstanding statesman, thinker and strategist. Zhuge Liang Shu in the governance process, has shown the wisdom of the legal thinking of the Shu consolidate...


Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms period Shu outstanding statesman, thinker and strategist. Zhuge Liang Shu in the governance process, has shown the wisdom of the legal thinking of the Shu consolidate the political power and long-played a critical role. Zhuge Liang to the legal publication, propaganda, indoctrination, the public has to understand; advocated According to the social development and changes in a timely adjustment of the country thinking. In law enforcement, according to Zhuge Liang advocate of the crime committed by prisoners and pleaded guilty attitude conviction and sentencing. and establish a series of correct concept of reward and punishment, in accordance with the law so as to the country was a great success. His legal thinking on the building of the legal system now will have far-reaching significance for reference, we should learn from their experience and lack of reflection, so that China's building of the socialist legal system to achieve greater progress.


英语翻译诸葛亮是三国时期蜀国杰出的政治家、思想家、军事家.诸葛亮在治理蜀国的过程中,所表现出来的睿智的法律思想为蜀国政权的巩固和长治久安起了至关重要的作用.诸葛亮重视法律 诸葛亮是三国时期哪一政权的政治家 英语翻译诸葛亮是三国时期一位著名的政治家,发明家,他拥有惊人的军是和政治天赋,因而被人们称之为“卧龙”.他为蜀国的建立立下了卓越的功勋,赤壁一战利用极少数的兵力击败了曹操的83 三国时期蜀国的丞相是诸葛亮,怎么没听说过魏国、吴国的丞相? 三国时期,蜀国的开国君主是() A.刘备 B.孙权 C.诸葛亮 描述三国时期蜀国军事家诸葛亮的一生的成语 诸葛亮是三国时期的政治家和( )家和( )家 老师今天上课问,为什么说诸葛亮是一位杰出的政治家?求正解 诸葛亮独自一人支撑蜀国,为实现刘备的遗愿,他( )( ),但势力单薄,最终( )( ).(填成语)诸葛亮是三国时期蜀汉的政治家、军事家.人们常用( )( )来赞颂诸葛亮的聪明机智.然而 用史实说明曹操和诸葛亮是杰出的政治家和军事家.(任选一人说明即可) 三国时期蜀国的建立者. 三国时期蜀国的五虎上将都有谁? 三国时期蜀国的军师是谁 几个关于九年级语文(人教版)《隆中对》的问题1.诸葛亮(181-234),字_____,被称为______,蜀汉丞相,三国时期杰出的政治家、军事家,谥曰忠武侯。2.下面是刘备三顾茅庐时的天下纷争图 有人说诸葛亮是杰出的政治家和外交家,未必是杰出的军事家,如何看待这一评价?实事求是的评价是诸葛亮是萧何,不是张良和韩信. 三国时期是诸葛亮主动找刘备的?还是刘备去请的诸葛亮? 王安石是几代杰出的政治家、思想家,革命家. _____是吐蕃历史上杰出的政治家,( )入藏