
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:43:14


World Trade Organization on January 1,1995 put into operation.Headquarters in Geneva.January 1,1996,which replaced the GATT,the Provisional Institutions.Its predecessor,the GATT was established in 1947.Compared with the GATT,the WTO covers trade in goods,trade in services and intellectual property trade,GATT,applies only to merchandise trade in goods.Currently,the WTO's trade volume accounted for more than 95% of world trade.Is the current Director-General Pascal Lamy,former EU Trade Commissioner (French),September 2005 positions.World Trade Organization (WTO) headquarters (Geneva)
Its purpose is:to promote economic and trade development,to improve the standard of living,ensuring full employment,protect the real income and effective demand; the goal of sustainable development based on rational use of world resources to expand production of goods and services; to reach mutually beneficial agreements to substantially reduce and eliminate tariffs and other barriers to trade and the elimination of discriminatory treatment in international trade.As the end of December 1999,135 by the members of the organization,is the current Director-General Pascal Lamy,former EU trade commissioner.WTO World Trade Organization as an official of the law of the United Nations and other international organizations on an equal footing.His responsibilities cover the organization and implementation of the original GATT multilateral trade agreements and multilateral trade negotiations and provide a forum,responsible for periodic review of trade policies of its members and unified treatment of the trade disputes between members,and is responsible for cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in order to achieve consistency in global economic decision-making.WTO agreements ranging from agriculture to textiles and clothing,from services to government procurement,from the rules of origin to the intellectual property of the content.WTO's highest decision-making authority is the Ministerial Conference,to convene a meeting at least every two years.Under the General Council and the Secretariat,is responsible for the daily meeting of the WTO and work.General Council with goods,trade in non-goods trade (trade in services),intellectual property and trade and the development of the three Council,the budget two committees.The General Council also check under the trade policy institutions,he oversaw the various committees responsible for drafting the national policy review.The United States,European Union,Japan,Canada,to draft a policy review every two years on the 16 most developed countries,once every 4 years,once every 6 years in developing countries.The Court of Appeal differences occur between members of the arbitration.Compared to its predecessor the GATT,WTO covers trade in goods,trade in services and intellectual property trade,GATT,applies only to merchandise trade in goods.WTO is an international trade organization whose purpose is to set up fair and just treatment in the national trade disputes occur,the establishment of equality and mutual benefit the health of the international trade order.However,the use of U.S.exports to the EU beef hormone in this case,we find that although the WTO continue to improve their regulatory bill,but there are still many countries and economies,for a variety of different reasons,looking for excuses,non-compliance with the terms of trade.While some authoritative certification bodies and other methods through experiments to prove that trade goods in full compliance with requirements,but the parties will continue to trade through other factors,to control the trade.