
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 16:38:29


Mom's love
The reason why I love my mother,because she is not a bit unusual mother.Why do I say that?This should start with my birth.This is because I am not a healthy child.When I was born,because doctors do not have experience,I cerebellar injury.This means that I can not take care of themselves is a child.But abhorrent doctors did not tell her father and mother.In this way,Mom and Dad,I have to go home,coincidence is that our neighbor's children is the day I was born with,so,in my three months,I told my mother we discovered that the kids do not like the neighbor.For example:the neighbor's children will have a straight head.I also can not?Mom told this matter is the maternal uncle of the high school.The uncle said:"Aunt,I was a friend of the students graduating from the Faculty of Medicine.Her share of the Zhengzhou three Fuyuan,heard that a special rule Nini disease doctor.Thought that if medical treatment to the case,I immediately with the Contact her!"the mother said without hesitation:" Lin,fast contact with her!Nini as long as it can cure the disease on the line!"As a result,the maternal uncle that he immediately contacted a friend and was quickly on the link.Soon,we arrived at the Zhengzhou three Fuyuan,go after,the doctor told her that:"Fortunately,sent in a timely manner!Otherwise,the child paralysis.Tell you!In the cerebral palsy children!" Dad Mom Bengchiweiche bad heart!Because cerebral palsy is a very refractory disease,many relatives and friends,I tried to persuade her mother to give up.But her mother believes that,I will be able to cure the disease.So,we in Zhengzhou three Fuyuan the hospital.Soon,doctors say I need a closed-Third injections to be crying.This can be Mom and Dad,both of a good news,but it is also bad news.This is because good news because the response I have had,and this means a closed needle effective!The bad news may be on the bad I now have Huiku,so,give me injections each time,the nurses will be called up to Mom and Dad HOLD me,I desperately cry!I cried to see her mother,she would cry.At that time,my father would also like to return home to work,let's take care of my grandmother and mother over whenever kick down the needle,and her mother and grandmother will be the first reported cried!

Beautiful Voice
Being with the same dormitory in university,one of my classmates,who is from Harbin,never has not phoned his parents.He said that there was no phone at home,It is Ok for him to wr...


Beautiful Voice
Being with the same dormitory in university,one of my classmates,who is from Harbin,never has not phoned his parents.He said that there was no phone at home,It is Ok for him to write to his parents,We are surprised at : "He lives in modern city,Living condition is not bad, Why not instal a telephone?
After the summer vacation,he often went to bed to listen to a tape secretly,which was taken from his home.Sometime he was crying for sadness, We
proposed to borrow his tape to listen, He did not agree.One time when was out,we got the tape under the pillow and put it in the recorder,After we listened to it,it seemed that there was not any voice in it,We are puzzled what he was dealing with the blank tape every night.
In the coming of graduation,he told us about his family, His parents were all deaf and dumb.When he was very young,his father died.To make a living, his mother endured all hardships as well as got the an expression of scorn.For his study,his mother paid much attention to create the best conditions for him.They never had him suffer from the hardship.After their living condition was better,he had to leave his mother to go to university.He said that he often missed her,His achievement was from "Silent Love" of his parents,including his father.I taped the voice of breathing.I listened it every night,feeling parents being with him.
We were deeply moved.Caring from family is the most brilliant sunshine in the world,No natter where we come out far,or fly higher,in the eyes of our parents,we are always the apple of their eye.being cared for every day. Silent love is the most beautiful voice in the world.


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