关于Joan of Arc的文章,英语的高一课堂上演讲用的来着,

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关于Joan of Arc的文章,英语的高一课堂上演讲用的来着,

关于Joan of Arc的文章,英语的高一课堂上演讲用的来着,
关于Joan of Arc的文章,英语的

关于Joan of Arc的文章,英语的高一课堂上演讲用的来着,
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc,in French,Jeanne d'Arc,also called the Maid of Orleans,a patron saint of France and a national heroine,led the resistance to the English invasion of France in the Hundred Years War.She was born the third of five children to a farmer,Jacques Darc and his wife Isabelle de Vouthon in the town of Domremy on the border of provinces of Champagne and Lorraine.Her childhood was spent attending her father's herds in the fields and learning religion and housekeeping skills from her mother.
When Joan was about 12 years old,she began hearing "voices" of St.Michael,St.Catherine,and St.Margaret believing them to have been sent by God.These voices told her that it was her divine mission to free her country from the English and help the dauphin gain the French throne.They told her to cut her hair,dress in man's uniform and to pick up the arms.
By 1429 the English with the help of their Burgundian allies occupied Paris and all of France north of the Loire.The resistance was minimal due to lack of leadership and a sense of hopelessness.Henry VI of England was claiming the French throne.
Joan convinced the captain of the dauphin's forces,and then the dauphin himself of her calling.After passing an examination by a board of theologians,she was given troops to command and the rank of captain.
At the battle of Orleans in May 1429,Joan led the troops to a miraculous victory over the English.She continued fighting the enemy in other locations along the Loire.Fear of troops under her leadership was so formidable that when she approached Lord Talbot's army at Patay,most of the English troops and Commander Sir John Fastolfe fled the battlefield.Fastolfe was later stripped of his Order of the Garter for this act of cowardice.Although Lord Talbot stood his ground,he lost the battle and was captured along with a hundred English noblemen and lost 1800 of his soldiers.
Charles VII was crowned king of France on July 17,1429 in Reims Cathedral.At the coronation,Joan was given a place of honor next to the king.Later,she was ennobled for her services to the country.
In 1430 she was captured by the Burgundians while defending Compiegne near Paris and was sold to the English.The English,in turn,handed her over to the ecclesiastical court at Rouen led by Pierre Cauchon,a pro-English Bishop of Beauvais,to be tried for witchcraft and heresy.Much was made of her insistence on wearing male clothing.She was told that for a woman to wear men's clothing was a crime against God.Her determination to continue wearing it (because her voices hadn't yet told her to change,as well as for protection from sexual abuse by her jailors) was seen as defiance and finally sealed her fate.Joan was convicted after a fourteen-month interrogation and on May 30,1431 she was burned at the stake in the Rouen marketplace.She was nineteen years old.Charles VII made no attempt to come to her rescue.
In 1456 a second trial was held and she was pronounced innocent of the charges against her.She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV.

关于Joan of Arc的文章,英语的高一课堂上演讲用的来着, 萧伯纳的《圣女贞德》英文是Saint Joan还是Joan of Arc?萧伯纳的《圣女贞德》英文是《Saint Joan》还是《Joan of Arc》?最好给个证明~ 圣女贞德的名字是“Joan of Arc”还是“Jeanne d'Arc”?电影上是前者书上是后者 Joan of Arc 能说说圣女贞德的故事吗 说一下她的生平事迹 圣女贞德 JOAN OF ARC怎么样 为什么St.Joan of Arc是圣女贞德? Sheilded Metal Arc,Gas Tungsten Arc,Gas Metal Arc,Flux Cored Arc,Submerged Arc,焊接方面的英语, one need only look at the world-renowned Joan of Arc and Mulan to see that women can perform exceptionally on the battlefield.我重点想知道那个that表达的意思是不是 是否? 英语翻译Joan of Arc (From The American Heritage Dictionary)Saint French name Jeanne d'Arc(也许就是这个d'惹的祸,译者真是个“三d'子”) Known as the Maid of Orléans and La Pucelle (1412?-1431).French military leader and he 请高手根据JOAN OF ARC 这些英文字母帮我重新改一个名字 arcsin的arc是什么意思? 数学的arc是什么 drive the English from 不好意思打错一个词。是高中课本上的一句话。原文是这样的。Joan of Arc was a gril from the countryside who dressed as a man and went to fight for the French.She helped drive the English out of France.Sh 关于羽毛球的英语文章 关于圣诞节的文章英语 关于友谊的英语文章 关于爱情的英语文章 关于圣诞节的英语文章