
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:38:00


"Enterprise" yushan dongxi "is the eight famous cultural relic resort. In xian the stele forest, with a stones, in the form of poetry and painting depicts the eight sights of JiLi lovely. The stone tablet in emperor kangxi 1359 (A.D. 168 and 300 years of history.
1 HuaYue immortal palms
Soaring five fingers around the cloud, it is the haze agalloch eaglewood axe.
No, the sky on the star in chess sets speech.
Who laugh, LiEr ti changli politically-correct plowers plowed planted?
The YunYun muddy dream, don't smell WuDao chivalrous persons. Author: observations (old)
HuaYue immortal palms is one of the eight enterprise. China has ShiFengLou northeastern shandong peak, the east wall has peak, the ancient legends HuangHeYou clap cliff, disasters, mountains block successive HeShen huashan, right hand foot to open the Yellow River, each building object in zhongtiaoshan river, saved the peoples. "Immortal palms" is "when HeShen huashan script. First round on palm cliff, but as people, say "stone".
2 thatched cottage smoke
Andy mist steam, cloud harmonica mahayana buddhist monk 500 praise.
Through the bottom of enlightenment and meditation before the exhibition eight arrises shrugging tower.
Mine is there, causal later by transmigration is?
How dared to dust, between before winter to QingDeng. Author: observations (old)
In xian city inside the temple of harmonica university. In India, the monks 401 rounds here translation theory's buddhist. About "cottage smoke" have two kinds, one is said by tower, "well" smoke every morning in the winter, smoky, There is another peak temple, like the ancient jade, whenever the sun's light smoke will set, light fog diffuse mountaintop.
3 Ba willow snow
Ba willow snow three spring rolls out, don't -- light wave mo since cry tears.
Elegant wandering, know tired) made LiangCai anticipation.
ZuoQian can assign tengwang pavilion, watch of Yin zhenbei tower.
Heaven emperor ChangCi que vast, dongfeng where not to bloom. Author: observations (old)
In the east of xian BaHe coast. Ba AIDS QinMu water, water formerly, renamed to map and glory Ba water. When the sui and tang dynasties, and willows planted enterprise Ba bridge is the gateway to the enterprise, the roads. People in the east to say farewell party, became a kind of fashion. Every spring, LiuXu drives like flying snow in winter, evil spirit it is good-looking.
4 LiShan WanZhao
Li hoof south yue sphere, the story of a new mood and acceptance.
A smile was praised GuoShiLi daughter, leave the old scold.
Spring is clear temple, wash white silk hate cold smile of red spare.
The waste? That brocade carp Still HeDong play bite tail. Author: observations (old)
At present, xian lintong county as about 25 kilometers. There happened countless stories of servers. Whenever the sunset, LiShan setting in the shadows, like a gorgeous might. "The XiaGong shine a sunset, yi is the beacon to", since the war was still in mistakenly burning, "LiShan WanZhao".
5 QuJiangLiu drinks
Earnings from deep water pool, rocking gently folding fan to harp lying.
HuJi BaZhan pretty waist fine, scholars region ink sinks.
The dragon HaoGou carp with gold, kuixing point dou rolls of gold.
King gave a drunk, swinging oblique wine LiuYin into the boat. Author: observations (old)
In the southeast, xian han beautiful scenic spots for. Because water twists and turns, named after the song dynasty in qujiang "gradually dry. When the new jinshi in tang dynasty, emperor in QuJiangChi to give, will put in the cup and cup with water meandering flow to the front, must drink, when one becomes tang fashion.
Six white snow
If no eternal snow why DouE yuan, June day?
Eight sights for eight Taoist temple, four high up four glaciers.
Birds, uniting the green cow hole YuFeng book folle springs.
Wonder who possessed? Pure spirit 100 thousand chang gung memorial. Author: observations (old)
In the west of xian baoji within one earthquake stable. The taibai mountain is the highest elevation of qinling 3767.2 meters. Hill, artificial trace, steep less resort is preferred. Because of high mountains and cold air, land, thus has "white snow June day" wonderful landscape.
7 xianyang ancient
The north Mao continuous dances million, don't break, podul amaranth tears frequency.
Horse that western XuanFu Turk, huang grace.
Homesickness CAI female guest, ZuoJun plant trees is tasted no firewood.
This ShaoGong look over this ancient times, the tang dynasty pure dream. Author: observations (old)
Located in the northwest xianyang city of xian today. The bridge is in xianyang people die of milestone, because the traffic is not developed, ferry became people the most frequently used tool. In Taiwan, people in WeiShui leisurely, become "ship" part of eight.
8 the yanta genius
WanJun pig iron casting odd clock, send to the forbidden palace toward auspicious.
Watts ChengEn green, yellow with marker monarchy countered the newspaper.
LaoHuai don't have new house once flourishing, the wind.
Six degrees JieBo sigh clutch, what more have ShenGong Buddha! Author: observations (old)
In the south west of xian outside friendship in the jianfu temple inside. Contains small wild goose pagoda temple, and have a JinDaiTie clock, weighed about 2 WanJin. Every morning, the mage, the rhythm strikes in the decades, people have become enterprise a part of daily life.
1 华岳仙掌
世事纭纭浑作梦,不闻侠客舞刀来. (作者:常谈老生)
2 草堂烟雾
敢问尘间多少愿,佛前冬夜对青灯. (作者:常谈老生)
3 灞柳风雪
帝阙长辞天地阔,东风何处不花开. (作者:常谈老生)
4 骊山晚照
锦鲤可知兴废苦?依然咬尾戏荷东. (作者:常谈老生)
5 曲江流饮
君王赐酒一杯醉,斜荡小舟入柳荫. (作者:常谈老生)
6 太白积雪
鬼斧神工谁造化?长庚精魄百千年. (作者:常谈老生)
7 咸阳古渡
孑孑艄公看古渡,几回清梦入唐朝. (作者:常谈老生)
8 雁塔晨钟
六度劫波叹离合,何言佛祖有神功! (作者:常谈老生)