pay for意为代价时造句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 00:13:42
pay for意为代价时造句

pay for意为代价时造句
pay for意为代价时造句

pay for意为代价时造句
You'll pay later for your follies
你以后要为你的愚蠢行动付出 代价的.
pay a heavy price for the victory
Loss of independencewas a high price to pay for peace

You will pay for it.

You will pay for what you have done

He'll have to pay for what he has done.

You should pay more reward for asking me this question.
注意语法:pay for sth.或者pay for doing sth.

You'll pay for that remark!

You must be pay it for 4 yuan

pay for意为代价时造句 pay for 造句 简短 call at /pay for 造句, “你要为你所做的一切付出代价”用英文怎么说?如题,可不可以翻译成“You have to pay for all you have done?”,或者更准确的说法是? 一个英语句子纠错她将会为她的话付出代价:she must pay for what she have said.有错请指出并告诉我为什么错了,3Q第二个she要不要改成her呢? 记住你许下的诺言,否则你将为此付出代价 Remember your words,or else you will pay for it. pay 现在进行时造句pay的现在进行时 pay the bill 的疑惑我看到某个地方这么说pay用作及物动词时,后面接表示人的词语,即pay sb.意为“付款给某人”.如:He paid me five yuan.他付了我五元钱.pay for中的pay为不及物动词,其宾语多为物, money for sth.帮我造句 造句:1、pay for;before6:00 2、discuss;raise money pay for pay for,spend,cost,take造句用pay for,spend,cost,take个造一句话,都是花费钱的意思 1、用人+pay+钱+for sth .用这个短语,造句.2、It takes +sb+时/钱+to do sth.也用这个短语,造句. 为什么是pay for it 不是pay it for 呢,put it on 就可以,还有pay for 和pay 的区别是什么 pay attention 麻烦:造句 帮忙用PAY造句 英语翻译1.你不应该相信这个利用你的年幼无知而欺骗你的人(advantage,innocence)2.记住,总有一天你会为你今天说的话付出代价(pay for)3.在过去的十年中我认识了很多关心我,帮助我的好人( what about 、look at、pay for 、bu full of造句(短点、简单点)