
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 05:54:40


" Shape" is the official documents of the history is relatively long, language branch types, wide range of application, document writing a mature large language, from the edge of language development being the offspring of dynastic politics life in formal writing rules," shape" style is undergoing tremendous change, developing and changing gradually the derived" playing the shape"," Shen" and a series of branches, at the same time, the " shape" of the main use is also changing, cause the whole rheological reason is many sided, from the social point of view"." the changing style of social production is the inevitable requirement of development; from a political point of view," shape" of the style evolution is the inevitable product of the feudal rule; from a literary point of view," shape " is itself a part of the literature," shape" of the style evolution is the inevitable trend of the development of archives literature; the influence of external factors and the secretary is also causing the occurrence of habit and rheological factors, these reasons interweave together, make the document" shape" style happen rheology, prompted" shape" to better adapt to the need of political life, promote the development of their own, but also for other Document type and offspring of document research and development to provide the corresponding evidence.

急~~求~~英文摘要,我的英语水平太烂,有没有人可以帮忙翻译一下.谢谢喽~~“状”是公文文种中历史较为悠久,文种分支种类较多、应用范围较广、公文文风较为成熟的一大文种,从边缘文种发 英语翻译我的论文要写英文摘要和关键词,可惜英语水平太差劲,希望能得到你的帮助,要是您翻译得好,我会继续给您加分的~摘要:采用优质面包粉、鸡蛋、食糖、黑米液等为主要原料,经过发酵 急求英语作文英语好的帮忙写下吧,我英文太烂~ 急求计算机图形学或与OpenGL相关的英文原文,最好有翻译,有摘要... 急求毛泽东《矛盾论》的摘要 中文摘要翻译成英文,哪位好心人帮帮忙,我的英语水平太差了人多地少是我国的基本国情之一.我国的国土面积仅为世界地表面积的7%,而人口占世界总人口的24.6%,人均国土面积仅为世界平均值 我英语水平太烂,没办法!就是sing的过去式和dance的一般过去式 英语翻译因为本人英文水平欠佳,而且论文马上就要交了,所以急求各位英文高手帮我翻译一下摘要和关键字.我向您保证一定会再加分的!P.S.希望各位英文高手能帮个忙,感激不尽!摘要(如果想 急求美国著名小说的简介(要用英文)长度要一分到两分之内能读完的,我周一要说,可是英文太烂, 我的英语水平不是太好,想考四级怎么办啊啊? 用英语介绍焦作我的英语水平太差, 英语水平的英文怎么说 关于on money and healthy 的英语作文200字左右急求这篇文章,我英语水平太差了呵呵,希望想能得到英语好的人的帮助先谢谢 全英文英语杂志我英语水平4级,想找一个全英文杂志看,单词不要太难,而且不要政治类的,有合适的吗? 求英语水平高的人帮我 .求一段论文摘要的英文翻译.急 ~~~~(>_ 跪求英语达人在线将一段中文翻译成英文.这是我论文的中文摘要,同时要求将其翻译成英文摘要 我的英文实在很烂,跪求英语达人帮我翻译.要通顺合理啊~~~~.自2005年8月中国人民银行发布的房 我发现我的英语水平又下降了的英文