英语翻译Hoping we won't pay for what we have decided in the time we are able to look back to.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 09:59:10
英语翻译Hoping we won't pay for what we have decided in the time we are able to look back to.

英语翻译Hoping we won't pay for what we have decided in the time we are able to look back to.
Hoping we won't pay for what we have decided in the time we are able to look back to.

英语翻译Hoping we won't pay for what we have decided in the time we are able to look back to.
此题的关键之一,在于对look back to 和pay for 的理解,看得出上面四位高手对这两个词组的看法是一致的,look back to是回顾,pay for是付出代价(即后悔).问题是,原句似乎有矛盾,既然还可以回顾(还可以后悔),为何又说“have decided”(已经决定),既然事情已经决定,又如何可以后悔?原句的内在矛盾,给翻译带来了困难.
我是这么理解的,原文带有虚拟语气,“have decided”(已经决定的事情)实际上在说话的时候,尚未有决定,因此“已经作出的决定”是虚拟的,后悔根本上来得及,死结从中解开,“已经作出的决定”应该翻译成“即将作出的决定”.







先来分析一下这句的结构:主句是Hoping we won't pay for what we have decided ,后面的in the time 是介词短语(in the time) 充当状语, we are able to look back to是定语从句,修饰time.


先来分析一下这句的结构:主句是Hoping we won't pay for what we have decided ,后面的in the time 是介词短语(in the time) 充当状语, we are able to look back to是定语从句,修饰time.
look back to可以翻译为“记起,回想”,朗文的解释是to remember.
高云公子认为have decided是虚拟语气,我不认为如此。虚拟语气在表达“虚/假”的语气时的典型特征是使用过去时。


我级别低,本来不好发言,不过也说几句看法。看来看去,高云公子也有道理,虚拟语气说得通的。这句话很口语化,因为它以Hoping 开头,如果是正式书面语,应该是 I hope we won’t .... 既然是口语化的一句话,它就不严格跟随修竹留风所说的过去式格局了。其实高云公子也挺谨慎,他不说“是虚拟语气”,他说“带有虚拟语气”,似在发掘说话人的真正原意。是不是这样,高手来指点吧。...


我级别低,本来不好发言,不过也说几句看法。看来看去,高云公子也有道理,虚拟语气说得通的。这句话很口语化,因为它以Hoping 开头,如果是正式书面语,应该是 I hope we won’t .... 既然是口语化的一句话,它就不严格跟随修竹留风所说的过去式格局了。其实高云公子也挺谨慎,他不说“是虚拟语气”,他说“带有虚拟语气”,似在发掘说话人的真正原意。是不是这样,高手来指点吧。


英语翻译Hoping we won't pay for what we have decided in the time we are able to look back to. 英语翻译We won’t be doing that again!怎么翻译 英语翻译 1. I won't be long. 2. We won't be long. 3.英语翻译1. I won't be long.2. We won't be long.3. It won't be here for 10 minutes. 英语翻译Although we can afford it ,we won't go aboard for our vocatian. 英语翻译or one day we will see what we won't see 翻译 There are two kinds of adventurers:those who go truly hoping to find adventure and those who go secretly hoping they won't 求翻译 翻译: (1) We are hoping to expand our business , rarticularly in Europe.( 2)If we don't hurry up , we won't be in time to catch the train .( 3)He makes a terrible mess in the kitchen when he's cooking. 翻译+ We won't marry.ok? We won't fake it翻译 we won't leave you behind是什么意思 we won't do that again? 英语翻译We need to take a fresh look at this matter.Otherwise,we won't come anywhere near solving it 英语翻译Everything is dark.Everything is quite we listen to the wind in the trees.We hope we won't hear music from the radioin the next tent we hope it won't rain we won't retreat,we never have and never 英语翻译We'll go to Huangshan if it__ rainA isn't B doesn't C won't Ddon't选什么 原因是什么? we won't go until we get we won't go until we get some,so bring some out here 英语翻译(learn)English is very usefyl.Why not?(listen)to music?We won't go swimming if it (rain)tomorrow 英语翻译翻译句子:即使明天下雨,我们也绝不改变计划.( ) ( ) it rains tomorrow,we won't change our plan.