96208:but these aren't the only money lending options open to us now as lending restrictions have changed so have the types of company that can give out lending products.so,you can take out a loan from supermarkets and department stores.想知道

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 13:40:00
96208:but these aren't the only money lending options open to us now as lending restrictions have changed so have the types of company that can give out lending products.so,you can take out a loan from supermarkets and department stores.想知道

96208:but these aren't the only money lending options open to us now as lending restrictions have changed so have the types of company that can give out lending products.so,you can take out a loan from supermarkets and department stores.想知道
96208:but these aren't the only money lending options open to us now as lending restrictions have changed so have the types of company that can give out lending products.so,you can take out a loan from supermarkets and department stores.
2—money lending options open:怎么翻译?
3—lending restrictions have changed so have the types of company :怎么翻译?
4—that can give out lending products:这里give out怎么翻译?
5—department stores:怎么翻译?

96208:but these aren't the only money lending options open to us now as lending restrictions have changed so have the types of company that can give out lending products.so,you can take out a loan from supermarkets and department stores.想知道
2.这个你断句错了,open to sb
3.断句错误,so have 句型,表示其后接的东西也怎么怎么样
but these aren't the only money lending options( open to us now)括号中作option的定语 as lending restrictions have changed 此处断句 so have the types of company that can give out lending products.so,you can take out a loan from supermarkets and department stores.
