
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 15:49:38


wake是动词 - 把someone叫醒 — Mom always wakes me up in the morning awake- 形容词- 醒着 -- I was still awake at midnight last night /waken - 动词的被动式 - 被叫醒 - I was waken up by a noise this mornig.

wake 是主动的,而awake则是被动的,常指别人的行为。waken是过去分词,被叫醒了,出现在被动语态中

wake是动词 waken“:- [用法和“wake“基本相同, 但在有直接宾语时用“waken“而不用“wake“。] >> = “弄醒“; “吵醒“; “唤醒“ e.g. She wakened the baby with a kiss on his cheek. e.g. I was wakened early by the shouts of my neighbor. e.g. N...


wake是动词 waken“:- [用法和“wake“基本相同, 但在有直接宾语时用“waken“而不用“wake“。] >> = “弄醒“; “吵醒“; “唤醒“ e.g. She wakened the baby with a kiss on his cheek. e.g. I was wakened early by the shouts of my neighbor. e.g. Nature seems to be wakened from a dead sleep. ==================================================================== “awake“:- >> = “惊醒“; “吵醒“; “意识到“; “发现“; “醒“ e.g. The noise of the explosion awoke me. e.g. He was awaked by loud cries. e.g. I slowly awoke to the danger that threatened me. e.g. He awoke to find himself famous. >> [作形容词用] e.g. Are you awake yet? e.g. He was fully awake to the importance of the economic development. ==================================================================== “awaken“:- >> = “弄醒“; “使意识到“ e.g. A knock on the door awakened me. e.g. She was awakened by the barking of a dog. >> [“awaken“常用於“引申意义“] e.g. It awakened millions to the danger of fascism. e.g. His stealth awakened my suspicion. e.g. Their national spirit was awakened. 1 回答者: 醇


wake是动词也是名词。 waken是wake的过去分词。