英语翻译、服饰礼仪 在加拿大,不同的场合有不同的装束.在教堂,男性着深色西装,打领结,女士则穿样式庄重的衣裙.在参加婚礼时,男子或穿着西装,或穿便装,穿便装时不打领带.妇女则不宜打

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/29 21:18:43
英语翻译、服饰礼仪 在加拿大,不同的场合有不同的装束.在教堂,男性着深色西装,打领结,女士则穿样式庄重的衣裙.在参加婚礼时,男子或穿着西装,或穿便装,穿便装时不打领带.妇女则不宜打

英语翻译、服饰礼仪 在加拿大,不同的场合有不同的装束.在教堂,男性着深色西装,打领结,女士则穿样式庄重的衣裙.在参加婚礼时,男子或穿着西装,或穿便装,穿便装时不打领带.妇女则不宜打
四、 餐饮礼仪
六、 商务礼仪

英语翻译、服饰礼仪 在加拿大,不同的场合有不同的装束.在教堂,男性着深色西装,打领结,女士则穿样式庄重的衣裙.在参加婚礼时,男子或穿着西装,或穿便装,穿便装时不打领带.妇女则不宜打
Use a firm handshake with good eye contact when meeting and leaving. Both French and English areas use and expect a firm handshake.
Men will wait for a woman to extend her hand for a handshake.
French Canadians will shake hands more frequently, even with a subsequent encounter the same day. Others may just nod or smile at a subsequent encounter on the same day.
Use a person's title if he or she has one. Otherwise, use Mr., Mrs., Miss and the surname.
English is spoken in most of Canada. French is spoken in Quebec, and some area of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
French Canadians may use their first name when talking to you on the telephone, but will generally use their full name when meeting you in person.
Be open and friendly in your conversation. If you are naturally reserved in your behavior, you will appear confident and credible. If your natural tendency is large sweeping arm gestures, restrain yourself when meeting and talking with Canadians - other than with French Canadians.
French Canadians stand closer and are more demonstrative when talking.
For French Canadians, print all material in French and English.
Don't be boastful, and don't overstate your product or service's capabilities. You could implicate your company in a legal situation.
If you are from the U. S., don't say, "we Americans", inferring you are including your Canadian hosts or guests in your reference. Canada is a distinct country with its own wonderful history and culture.

Be punctual for meetings and appointments, as promptness is valued. In French areas, time is more relaxed. However, you will be expected to arrive at the appointed time, even if the French attending the meeting don't.
Always maintain a reserved demeanor, and follow good rules of etiquette. Traditions and gracious manners are part of the culture, even in more rural areas. If you travel to different cities or areas, pay attention to local customs. By being observant, you will respect the pace and nuances of each area.
Do not eat while walking in public. Plan your time so you can stop in a café or restaurant to enjoy your snack.
Gifts are not routinely given. If you do give a gift when you arrive or when you are leaving, make it a modest one. A lavish gift, though accepted, would be frowned upon.
Gifts are given to celebrate finalizing a negotiation, a contract, or a project. Gifts for the office, a nice bottle of wine or liquor would be appropriate.
Taking a business associate to a nice meal or an evening sporting event, play, or symphony is always a nice gesture.
Invitations to private homes are rare. Occasionally, in the western provinces, you may be invited to someone's home. If you are invited, you may take candy, flowers, or liquor to the host or hostess.
Wait for your host to start a business conversation during or following a meal. Traditionally, business is not discussed during dinner; however, this is slowly changing.
Personal space and body movement or gestures differ between the English and the French provinces and cities. In English areas, body movement is minimal, there is rarely touching other than handshakes, and personal space - how close someone stands - is about two feet. In French areas, people stand closer together, people will frequently touch, and gestures are more expressive.

英语翻译、服饰礼仪 在加拿大,不同的场合有不同的装束.在教堂,男性着深色西装,打领结,女士则穿样式庄重的衣裙.在参加婚礼时,男子或穿着西装,或穿便装,穿便装时不打领带.妇女则不宜打 不同场合、不同民族和不同国家待人接物的礼仪 英语翻译怎么翻译“中国不同场合礼仪”.快 怎样用英语翻译:服饰在一定程度上显示衣着的涵养,个性以及从属的社会阶层.不同的谈判场合,为实现自身 西周春秋时期在外交场合讲究礼仪的代表 英语翻译如果你与美国人做生意,我们需要关注商业习俗.2.2.1服饰礼仪西方男士在正式社交场合通常穿保守式样的西装,内穿白衬衫,打领带.他们喜欢黑色,因此一般穿黑色的皮鞋.西方女士在正 商务人员的服饰礼仪有哪些? 法国巴黎的风土人情服饰、饮食、礼仪 英语翻译是不是在不同的场合有不同的翻译?请举例. 为什么要注重礼仪?在什么场合,要注意什么礼仪,该说什么话,都有它的格式. 掌声在不同场合的意义 在不同场合汉译英 欧洲的骑士装束是什么?正规场合下的装束、服饰等佩戴饰物、不同等级所表达的含义 英语翻译 我们知道礼仪在不同的情况下也不完全一样 不同场合的春联 what gives?在不同场合有不同的意思吧? 请列出中国和加拿大在各方面习俗的不同(尽量用英语翻译) 一般礼仪场合,中国国歌的播放时间为多少秒?