associate有副的意思吗,比如副教授associate professor

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 09:06:25
associate有副的意思吗,比如副教授associate professor

associate有副的意思吗,比如副教授associate professor
associate有副的意思吗,比如副教授associate professor

associate有副的意思吗,比如副教授associate professor
有 !
associate [ ə'səuʃieit ]

vt.使发生联系, 使联合
vi.交往, 结交
n.合作人, 同事

adj : having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status;
"an associate member"; "an associate professor" [syn: associate(a)]
n 1: a person who join...


adj : having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status;
"an associate member"; "an associate professor" [syn: associate(a)]
n 1: a person who joins with others in some activity; "he had to
consult his associate before continuing"
2: a person who is frequently in the company of another;
"drinking companions"; "comrades in arms" [syn: companion,
comrade, fellow, familiar]
3: any event that usually accompanies or is closely connected
with another; "first was the lightning and then its
thunderous associate"
4: a degree granted by a two-year college on successful
completion of the undergraduates course of studies [syn: {associate
v 1: make a logical or causal connection; "I cannot connect these
two pieces of evidence in my mind" [syn: tie in, relate,
link, link up, connect] [ant: dissociate]
2: keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with
strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues"
[syn: consort, affiliate, assort]
3: bring or come into friendly association; "The churches
consociated to fight their dissolution" [syn: consociate]
